The Workshop meets every other Thursday, from 4:30 – 6:00pm, in Kelly 114 (the Conference Room in the Center for Latin American Studies). Workshop papers are available by email request from the Graduate Student Coordinators:
Autumn 2013
October 3:
Welcome Reception
Co-sponsored with the Latin American History Workshop
October 17:
Tessa Murphy, Doctoral Candidate, Department of History
“The Treaty of Paris and the Transformation of the Lesser Antilles, 1763 – 1773”
Co-sponsored with the Latin American History Workshop, will meet from 5-6:30 in Kelly 114
October 31:
Maria R. Welch, Doctoral Student, Department of Music
“Music Labor in Guaraní Song: Sounding Indigeneity in Contemporary Brazilian”
November 14:
Thelma B. Jimenez-Anglada, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Romance Languages & Literatures
“Mapas, fronteras y cartografías del narcotráfico” (CANCELLED)
November 15:
Master’s Students’ Day
with presentations by Agnes Mondragón and Steven Schwartz
November 22:
Slave Portraiture in the Atlantic World by Professor Agnes Lugo-Ortiz
A Book Presentation
Social Science Tea Room, 3:30-5
Winter 2014
January 9:
Jay Sosa, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Anthropology
“Meanings of Militancy in Sao Paulo”
January 23:
Kevin Anzzolin, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Romance Languages & Literatures
“Reporterism as Social Death in Two Porfirian Novels”
February 6:
Professor Antonio Sergio Guimaraes, Universidade de Sao
“Black Identities in Brazil: Ideologies and Rhetoric”
Co-Sponsored with the Latin American History Workshop and the Reproduction of Race and Racial Ideologies Workshop
February 20:
Jack Mullee, Doctoral Student, Department of Anthropology
“The Illegible Kernel: Logics of Illegality, Mobility and Ambivalence in the Buenos Aires Subte”
March 13:
Adela Amaral Lugo, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Anthropology
“Road to Amapa: Maroon Policy in 18th Century Colonial Veracruz”
Spring 2014
April 3:
Matt Furlong, Doctoral Student, Department of Anthropology
“Backstage Biopolitics: Pathologies of Urban Space in Baja California”
April 17:
Dr. Diana Taylor, University Professor of Performance Studies and Spanish, NYU
“Living Politics: Jesusa Rodríguez and the Plantón”
May 1:
Geneviève Godbout, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Anthropology
“A House in Waiting: Taste and Hospitality at the Betty’s Hope Plantation, Antigua, 1750-1900”
May 15:
Dr. Larissa Brewer-Garcia, Princeton University
“Sacred Blackness in Seventeenth-Century Lima: The Christian Lives of Estefanía de San Joseph, Martín de Porres, and Úrsula de Jesús”
May 21 (Wednesday):
Dr. César Rodríguez, Director del Programa de Justicia Global y Derechos Humanos, Universidad de los Andes
“ Extractive Capitalism, Indigenous Peoples, and the Right to Prior Consultation in Social Minefields”
Co-Sponsored with the Reproduction of Race and Racial Ideologies Workshop
May 29:
Erin McFee, Doctoral Student, Department of Comparative Human Development
“The Politics of (Post)Conflict Citizenship: Memory and Identity among Ex-combatants in Colombia”