
Autumn 2015

Unless otherwise noted, all events are held on alternating Thursdays from 4:30-6:00 PM throughout the quarter.

October 1, 2015: Beginning of the Year Reception for the Workshop on Latin America and the Caribbean and the Latin American History Workshop

October 15, 2015: Jay Sosa, Anthropology, “São Paulo Has Never Been Pinker: Development, Gay Identity Politics, and the Left in Brazil”

October 29, 2015: Julio Ramos, Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley, “Detroit’s Rivera (y un poema de Philip Levine): arte, cine y fordismo”

November 9, 2015: Eric Hirsch, Anthropology, “The Other Investors” (*Please note the special date due to Thanksgiving holiday, 4:30-6:00 PM*)

November 12, 2015: Hilary Leathem, Anthropology, “The Pasts of a Zapotec Town: The Temporalities of Ruins and Heritage in Mitla, Oaxaca”


Winter 2016 

January 7: Aleschia Hyde, Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences. “Redefining Black Citizenship in Neoliberal Multicultural Democracies: Afro-Colombian Citizenship after the Constitution of 1991”

January 21: Miguel Martínez, Assistant Professor, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, “Writing on the Edge. The Poet, the Printer, and the Colonial Frontier in Ercilla’s La Araucana”

February 4: Meghan Morris, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Anthropology, “Soil Conflicts: Property in the Shadow of Post-Conflict Colombia”

February 18: Viviana Hong, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, “Social Violence Through the Eyes of a Child”

March 3: Karma Fierson, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Anthropology, “The Jarocho Archetype: Up-keeping and Keeping with “A Way of Being””

March 17: Genevieve Dempsey, PhD candidate in Ethnomusicology, “‘There in the Sky is Santa Maria’: The Sound of Gender in Afro-Brazilian Sacred Rituals”


Spring 2016

March 31: Mollie McFee, Doctoral Candidate in Comparative Literature, “Articulating Exile: The BBC’s Caribbean Voices”

April 14: Larissa Brewer-García, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures, “Empire, Language Policy, and the Early Black Atlantic: The Black Tongues of Seventeenth-Century New Granada and Peru”

April 28: Jack Mullee, Ph.D. Candidate, Anthropology, “Epidemic Designs: Making Cancer Collective in São Paulo, Brazil”

May 19: Fleeing Central America: Óscar Martínez and Edu Ponces discuss “A History of Violence.” With Journalist Óscar Martínez and Photojournalist Edu Ponces (at 6:00 PM at the Seminary Co-op)

May 26: Ebenezer Concepción, Ph.D. Candidate, Romance Languages & Literatures, “Erotismo (inter)textual: a propósito de El ángel de Sodoma de Alfonso Hernández Catá”