For the 2017-2018 academic year, the workshop was co-coordinated by Isabela Fraga (Romance Languages and Literatures) and Steven Schwartz (Anthropology).
Autumn 2017
Unless otherwise noted, all events are held on alternating Thursdays from 4:30-6:00 PM throughout the quarter.
September 28: Joint reception with the Latin American History Workshop (LAHW)
October 12: Carlos Suprinyak (Fulbright Visiting Scholar) – “Funding Policy Research Under Distateful Regimes:’ The Ford Foundation and the Social Sciences at the University of Brasília” (- (joint session with LAHW)
October 26: Tania Islas Weinstein (PhD Candidate, Political Science) – “A longing for censorship: Visual Arts and the Paradoxes of Freedom of Expression in Contemporary Mexico”
November 13, Monday : Victoria Saramago (Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures) – “Narrative Conservation and Conservationist Narratives: Alejo Carpentier’s Gran Sabana”
December 7: Bastien Craipain (PhD Candidate, Romance Languages) – “Textual Peripheries and Anthropological Laboratories: Louis Joseph Janvier, Haitian Literature, and the Case for Racial Equality”
Winter 2018
January 4: Nicholas Carby-Denning (PhD Candidate, Anthropology) – “The River Messengers: ‘Environmental Pollution has a Woman’s Face”
January 18: Meghan Morris (PhD Candidate, Anthropology) – “Property in the Time of the Colombian Post-Conflict”
February 1: Elizabeth Chatterjee (Postdoctoral Fellow, Political Science) – “Neo-developmental States: India and Brazil Compared”
February 15 : Jorge Lefevre (PhD Candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures) – “Lo bucólico y lo indígena. José Fornaris y el siboneyismo”
March 1: Carolina Sá-Carvalho (Assistant Professor, Romance Languages at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) – “Extraction: Scars, Humanitarianism, and the Colonial Iconography”
Spring 2018
March 30, Friday: Ana Villarreal (Assistant Professor, Sociology at Boston University) – “The Armored City: Violence, Fear and Upper-Class Seclusion in the Mexican Metropolis”
April 12: Gabriel Velez (PhD Candidate, Comparative Human Development) – “Constructing “Peace”: Colombian Adolescents’ Meaning Making of Societal Transition”
April 26: Juan Diego Mariátegui (PhD Student, Romance Languages)- “Hemispheric Bodies: The Corporeal as the Cultural in 19th and 20th Century Latin America”
May 10: BA/MA session
May 24: Deirdre T. Lyons (PhD Candidate, History) – “‘Vive le Mariage Vive la Liberté!’: Revolution and Emancipation in the French Antilles, 1848-1852”