Spring Quarter Schedule
The Workshop on Latin America and the Caribbean meets Thursdays from 5:00-6:30pm CDT in Kelly Hall, Room 114. Note that only one session will take place on Zoom.
Thursday, March 23 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Kelly 114): Jean Vallejo González (PhD Student, RLL), “El autor como paradoja y la estética documental metanarrativa en ¿Quién diablos es Juliette? Y Pogreso”
Thursday, March 30 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Zoom): Nicolas Cabrera (MAPH Student), “The Afro-Colombian Art of Grima”
Thursday, April 13 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Kelly 114): Mauricio Tenorio (Professor, History), “’Van pa’ arriba y van pa’ abajo’: De monumentos, historia y arte” (co-sponsored by the Latin American History Workshop)
Thursday, April 27 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Kelly 114): Gabriela Lomba Guzmán (PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature), “Theorizing the Carceral Caribbean: Baron de Vastey and José Martí’s Revolutionary Projects”
Thursday, May 11 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Kelly 114): Enrique Macari (Humanities Teaching Fellow), “Aesthetic Matters: Humanism, Literary Language, and the Professionalization of Culture in Alfonso Reyes’ Cuestiones estéticas”
Winter Quarter Schedule
The Workshop on Latin America and the Caribbean meets Thursdays from 5:00-6:30pm CDT in Kelly Hall, Room 114. Note that only one session will take place on Zoom.
January 5 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Kelly 114): Benjamín Montaño (PhD Student, History), “The Making of Felipe Pescador: Law, Informality, and Legitimation in Mexico City 1940-1978” (co-sponsored by the Latin American History Workshop)
January 12 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Kelly 114): Luana Dias Motta (Associate Professor, UFSCar), “Urban Conflict: Exploring the Possibilities and Limits of the Concept by Crossing Brazilian and American Urban Sociology”
January 26 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Kelly 114): Andrea Reed Leal (PhD Student, Romance Languages and Literatures), “Sanctifying Aztec Goddesses: The Ambiguous Representation of the mocihuaquetzqueh in the Florentine Codex”
February 9 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Kelly 114): Thomaz Amancio (PhD Candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures), “Antonio Candido and the Rural Workers of São Paulo”
Thursday, February 23 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Zoom): Ignacio López-Calvo (Professor, University of California-Merced), “World Literature, Transpacific Studies, and the Political Unconscious of Asian-Latin American Writing”
Autumn Quarter Schedule
September 29 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Social Science Tea Room): Welcome Reception (co-sponsored by the Latin American History Workshop)
October 6 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Kelly 114): Luis Madrigal (PhD Candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures), “Leído de antemano: un desnudo masivo en el Zócalo de la Ciudad de México” (co-sponsored by the Latin American History Workshop)
October 20 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Kelly 114): Pablo Ottonello (PhD Candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures), “Elogio de lo díscolo: el fracaso como pose en los Diarios de Alejandra Pizarnik”
November 3 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Kelly 114): Hawkins Lewis (MAPSS Graduate), “Pishtacos in Amazonia: Unsettling Ethnology, Biopoliticized Landscapes, and Indigenous Extractivism in the Ucayali River Region”
November 17 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Zoom): Francisco Trejo (PhD Candidate, Anthropology, University of California, Berkley), “In and Out of Time: Making Place and Weaving History at the Fringes of the Metropolis”
December 1 (5:00-6:30PM CT, Kelly 114): Laura Colaneri (PhD Candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures), “The Warlock, the Lodge, the AAA”