Here is a tentative translation of the pada as it is given in The Wishing Stone of Nightly Songs followed by Radhamohan Thakur’s Sanskrit commentary in his Padamritasamudra (The Ambrosial Ocean of Songs):
(মুগ্ধার মিলন-ভীতি)
- পরিহর এ সখি তোহে পরণাম।
হাম নাহি যাওব সো পিয়া-ঠাম॥ - অনেক যতন করি করাওলি বেশ।
বান্ধিতে না জানিয়ে আপন কেশ॥ - ইঙ্গিতে না জানিয়ে কৈছন মান।
বচনক চাতুরি হাম নাহি জান॥ - কবহু না জানিয়ে সুরতক বাত।
কৈছে মিলব হাম মাধব সাথ॥ - সো বর-নাগর রসিক সুজান।
হাম নব-নাগরী অলপ গেয়ান॥ - ভনয়ে বিদ্যাপতি কি বোলব তোয়।
আজুক মিলন সমুচিত হোয়॥ ১৯
- parihara e sakhi tohe paraṇāma |
hāma nāhi yāoba so piẏā-ṭhāma || - aneka yatana kari karāoli beśa |
bāndhite nā jāniẏe āpanā keśa || - iṅgite nā jāniẏe kaichana māna |
vacanaka cāturi hāma nāhi jāna || - kabahu nā jāniẏe surataka bāta |
kaiche milaba hāma mādhava sātha || - so vara-nāgara rasika sujāna |
hāma nava-nāgarī alapa geẏāna || - bhanaẏe vidyāpati ki bolaba toẏa |
ājuka m[ī]lana samucita hoẏa || 19
- Friend, leave your entreaties,
I will not go to this lover. - You had me dressed up so carefully,
but I can’t even tie my own hair. - I can’t read signs, I’ll make a fool of myself.
I do not know witty speech. - I never learned anything about love making,
how could I go meet with Mādhava? - He is a true man about town, a skilled connoisseur,
I am new and rather ignorant in this domain. - Vidyāpati says: “What can I tell you?
Today is the right time to meet him.”
Text of the song given in the Padāmr̥tasamudra no. 132 with Rādhāmohan Ṭhākur’s Sanskrit commentary:
suhaï-rāga-vr̥hadekatālī-tālau |
tataḥ pūrvokta-mohadaśāṃ śrutvā svābhāvika-rati-janita-paramārdra-cittāpi mugdhācaraṇaṃ saphalaṃ kurvatī gūḍha-rūpeṇa tatra nija-gamanaṃ vyañjayanty api spaṣṭa-rūpeṇa tad-ucitaṃ parihara e sakhī ityādi-vākyam āha |
Then, after hearing about [Kr̥ṣṇa’s] state of bewilderment mentioned before, although her heart is melting due to natural arousal, she behaves like an unexperimented woman, and even if, secretly, she suggests that she will herself go [meet with Kr̥ṣṇa], openly, she says what befits [an unexperimented woman like] her: Friend, leave…
- parihara e sakhi tohe paraṇāma |
hāma nāhi yāoba kāhnuka ṭhāma || dhru ||
e sakhi: etad vākyaṃ parihara tyaja | parihara e sakhi tohe paraṇāma | hāma nāhi yāẏaba so piẏā-ṭhāma || iti dr̥ṣṭa-pāṭhasya saṅgatārthānabhidhānād eka-pustaka-dr̥ṣṭatvāc ca lipikara-pramādajatvaṃ bodhyam |
- Friend, leave those requests,
I will not go meet with Kāhnu.
Friend: Leave—abandon—such speech. Friend, leave such requests, I will not go to this lover: because of the lack of relevant meaning in this context and because I saw [this reading] in one book only, I shall consider it a mistake due to some copyist’s carelessness.
- vacanaka cāturī hāma nāhi jāna |
iṅgita nā bujhiẏe nā jāniẏe māna ||
vacana-cāturyādikaṃ na jānāmi, ataḥ kathaṃ tena sākaṃ milanaṃ karomi? nanu paramacaturāsi tvam | adhunaiva kaṭākṣeṇa tvayā kiṃ kiṃ cāturyaṃ na prakāśitam | athavā tat tiṣṭhatu | vāgyuddhārthaṃ gamanaṃ na |
- I do not know witty speech,
I can’t read signs, I ignore what’s proper.
I ignore witty speech and the rest, hence how could I meet with him? No, you are very clever. Just recently, what cleverness haven’t you displayed with your side-glances? So, leave this nonsense. You are not going [to him] for verbal sparring.
- sahacarī meli banāẏata beśa |
bāndhite nā jāniẏe āpanā keśa ||
ata āha: bāndhite nā jāni āpana keśa-ityādikam | tasmād ati-bālikāvasthā mama |
- My friends together dressed me,
I can’t even tie my own hair.
Then she said: I can’t even tie my own hair, etc. From this [we understand:] “I am still a very young, unexperienced girl.”
- kabhu nāhi śuniẏe surataka bāta |
kaichane milaba mādhava sātha ||
surata-vārtā kadācid api na śrutā | tasmād viphalaṃ gamanam |
- I never heard about love-making,
how could I meet with Mādhāva?
She (or I) never heard about love-making. So, going there would be in vain.
- so nava-nāgara rasika sujāna |
hāma abalā ati-alapa-geẏāna ||
nanu tvad-darśanenaiva tat-pīḍā-nivr̥ttiḥ | surataṃ vināpi taj-jātīya-sukhaṃ ca bhaviṣyatīty ata āha: so nava-nāgara-ityādikam | sa rasiko’tas tasya sukhaṃ bhaviṣyati | mama tena kim?!
- He is a true man about town, a skilled connoisseur,
I am a weak, ignorant girl.
No, no, merely seeing you will put an end to his pain. Even without making love, from this (i.e. meeting in person with you) he will experience pleasure. Thus, she says: He is a true man about town, etc. He is a connoisseur, he will find his pleasure; but what good does it do to me?!
tasmād adhunālpajñānāyā vacanādi-cāturyābhāvān mān-hānir bhaviṣyati | paścād avaśyaṃ miliṣyāmīti dhvanitam |
Now, because I am ignorant and lack cleverness in speech etc., this will only bring shame upon me. Which implies: “Later, I will meet him for sure.”
- vidyāpati kaha ki bolaba toẏa |
aba ki milana samucita hoẏa || 132
vidyāpatir ahaṃ tvayi kiṃ kathayāmi, tasya daśā śrutvāpi yad etat kathayasi | kiṃ tu śr̥ṇu | adhunaiva milanaṃ samyag ucitaṃ bhavati | anyathā kiṃ prayojanam || 132
- Vidyāpati says: “What can I tell you?
Now is the right time for you to meet him.
Me, Vidyāpati, what can I tell you if, even after hearing about his state, you say such things? But listen: now is indeed the proper, right time to meet him. There is no need to consider other options.
— Th. d’Hubert