Here is a link to the text we will read with Talia: Rāmabhadradīkṣita’s Śṛṅgāratilakabhāṇaḥ
Rāmabhadradīkṣita’s Śṛṅgāratilakabhāṇaḥ;
#metoo selections
(ongoing readings with and advice by Whitney Cox)
71 (Śārdūlavikrīḍita)
tais taiś cāṭu-vacobhir ārdra-hṛdayām ānīya śayyāgṛhaṃ
savyājaṃ śayane niveśya ca kṛte kāñcī-guṇa-sraṃsane |
pāṇibhyām api nīvibandham acirād ācchādayantyā bhiyā
tanvyās tat-prathamā niṣedha-madhurā dhanyo giraḥ śroṣyati ||
leading this tender-hearted girl to the bedroom
with such and such flatteries,
He’ll get her in bed with some pretext
as he loosens the thread of her belt
afraid, she’ll quickly cover her garment’s knot with her hands–
this lucky bastard will listen to her words,
which are new to this,
Sweetened by her attempts at warding him off.
53 (Śārdūlavikrīḍita)
kiṃ vedâdhyayanena kiṃ nu tapasā kiṃ kṛcchra-cāndrāyaṇaiḥ
kleśaḥ pratyuta tena mā cara sakhe mūḍhopadiṣṭān vidhīn |
rantuṃ kiṃtu nirodhi-hasta-valaya-pratyupta-ratnâṅkura-
-cchāyā-pūrita-nimna-nābhi-sudṛśāṃ nīvīṃ rahaḥ sraṃsaya ||
the hell with studying the veda,
the hell with austerities,
the hell with the painful moon-fast–
These only cause pain.
Don’t follow, my friend, these rules taught by fools.
Rather, to enjoy yourself,
Loosen, once you get them alone, the belts of beautiful women,
Their deep navels filled with lights from the gems set in the bangles on their hands
which try to stop you.
142 (Puṣpitâgra, or aupacchandasika)
nava-nakha-pada-ramya-kaṇṭha-mūlaṃ rada-pada-danturitâdhara-pravālam |
ramaṇa-lulita-candana-stanâgraṃ kimapi gṛṇāti vapus tavâpadānam ||
Your throat beautified with fresh nail marks,
Your coral lip toothed with traces of bites;
on the tip of your breast– sandal paste, disheveled by your lover;
your body announces just what excellent work you’ve been doing…
kiṃ bravīṣi— “nâham asmi bhājanaṃ bhāva parihāsasya” iti/
Nipuṇika: i myself am no object of your joke, sir.
(vihasya) kiṃ na jāne tava vaidagdhyam/
Bh: (laughing) don’t I know of your skills?
143 (śikhariṇī)
divā vā naktaṃ vā divasa-viratau vâpy uṣasi vā
girau vā gehe vā vana-taru-tale vā sarasi vā |
jaḍaṃ vā dhīraṃ vā taruṇam api vā vṛddham api vā
vilajjā-līlābhir nanu ramayasi tvaṃ nipuṇike ||
Whether it’s day or night
evening or the crack of dawn
on the mountain or in the cave,
under a forest tree, or at the lake,
Whether the man be stupid or clever, young or old–
you always manage to pleasure him with your shameless tricks,
don’t you Nipunika, you clever girl?
Kiṃ bravīṣi —
bhāva, bibhemi viśṛṅkhalād bhavato vāg-jālāt |
Nipunika: Sir, I am terrified of your uncensored speech traps.
119 (Śārdūlavikrīḍita)
gharmâmbhaḥ-kaṇikârdra-patra-makarī-ramyânanâmbhoruham |
lolâpāṅga-niruddha-kāmijanatā-nīrandhra-pārśvaṃ vadhūr
eṣā nṛtyati nṛtta-deśika-karâsphālokta-tāla-kramā ||
An ornament wobbles on the curves of her breasts,
held in a case embedded with jewels;
Her beautiful lotus-face is painted with henna,
wet with her drops of sweat;
Her lovers, swarming around her,
are held back by her playful sideway glances.
This young woman is dancing,
following the beat of her dance teacher’s clapping hands.
atha tu citralekhām anumanyase, tadānīm–
124 (Śārdūlavikrīḍita)
vāmâṅka-sthitayā rahastvad urasi nyastaikavakṣojayā
kiṃcid vakrita-kaṇṭhanâli-viṣama-vyālambi-hāra-srajā |
nâbhīmūla-vilekhibhir nakhamukhair udbodhitânaṅgayā
vaktraṃ te cibuke gṛhītam anayā vāmā-bhruvā cumbyatām ||
But then again, if you choose Citralekhā, then —
lying on your left hip in private
her one breast placed on your chest,
her necklace unevenly hanging down her neck,
which is somewhat turned sideways,
her desire aroused by the tips of your nails,
scratching beneath her navel.
May this woman of beautiful brows, gripping your chin,
kiss your face.