April 28 and 29, Michael Figueroa and Rodrigo Adem

the Middle East History and Theory (MEHAT) Workshop presents 2 events for this week:

Thursday, April 28, 12:00–1:30

Michael Figueroa—Whence Israeli Song? The Fragmented Prehistory of Unisonance in Israel

Co-sponsored with the EthNoise! Ethnomusicology Workshop. Discussant: Prof. Orit Bashkin

Friday, April 29, 4:15–5:30

Rodrigo Adem—Inheritors of Adam: A Shi’ite Tradition on Prophethood

Discussant: Alex Muller

Location: 218 Pick Hall, 5828 S University Ave

For papers or special assistance, email us at mehat2011@gmail.com

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