Welcome to the OCHRE Blog

Using OCHRE to Create a Harris Matrix

This article features OCHRE’s new Visualization Wizard (the VizWiz) that allows users to create Harris matrices from core project data. Join Samantha Suppes, University of Chicago Ph.D. student in Near Eastern Languages and Civilization (NELC), as she demonstrates the creation of a Harris matrix based on the stratigraphic relationships of the excavation area that she supervises at Tel Shimron, Israel.

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Using the OCHRE API to Develop a Web App Using Flask

This article features the “Learning Yucatec Maya” web app created using OCHRE as the back-end data management platform in conjunction with the OCHRE API. Follow along with John Jung, Senior Programmer/Analyst at the Digital Library Development Center at the University of Chicago, as he walks through the process of building this site.

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From our Users ...

The OCHRE Blog features articles from actual OCHRE users and colleagues who have techniques or suggestions to share with our user community. Topics may be technical, procedural, anecdotal, or inspirational, with the goal of helping other users get the most out of OCHRE.

If you are interested in contributing a blog article, please contact us.