✓‡ Persepolis Fortification Archive
The Persepolis Fortification Archive Project (PFA) Editorial team:Annalisa Azzoni (Vanderbilt University: Aramaic texts)Elspeth R. M. Dusinberre (University of Colorado: seal impressions on Aramaic texts)Mark B. Garrison (Trinity University: project director, seal...
✓†🌐 Ras Shamra Tablet Inventory
Ras Shamra Tablet Inventory (RSTI) Miller C. Prosser, University of Chicago, Co-DirectorDennis G. Pardee, University of Chicago, Co-Director View the Ras Shamra Tablet Inventory online RSTI records a wide range of information on the site of Ras Shamra-Ugarit. The...
✓‡ ISAC Museum Demotic Ostraca Online
ISAC Museum Demotic Ostraca Online (ISACM_DO) Dr. Foy D. Scalf, University of ChicagoDr. Brian Muhs, University of ChicagoDr. Jacqueline E. Jay, Eastern Kentucky University View ISACM Demotic Ostraca online in OCHRE Visit the project webpage ISACM_DO was developed as...