Welcome to The Park Group!



We build modern integrated circuits using atomically thin materials by combining chemical and physical approaches.

About Park Group

We are an interdisciplinary research group and a proud member of the Department of Chemistry and the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at University of Chicago. Our group is conducting research on the synthesis, assembly and chracterization of nanoscale materials and devices using a variety of advanced tools.


Congrats Saien on winning 2024 Packard Fellowship

Dr. Saien Xie, our group alumnus and currently an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the Princeton Materials Institute, receives the 2024 Packard Fellowship. Congratulations Saien! Read more.

Welcome Woo Seok

Woo Seok Lee joined our lab as a Kadanoff-Rice postdoctoral fellow, coming from MIT! It's so great to have you be part of our team!