Workshop 10/6/2011, Pippa Koch Presenting

Dear Workshop, On Thursday, October 6, Pippa Koch, PhD candidate in the History of Christianity will present her dissertation proposal. Her proposal is entitled: “Persistent Providence: Religion and Epidemics in Eighteenth- Century America” Time: 12:00,...

Welcome Back – Call for Papers

Hello everyone, A heartfelt welcome back to all the participants, supporters, and friends of the American Religious History Workshop. We had a very productive and enjoyable 2010-2011 academic year, crowned with a bittersweet conference to honor the career and...

Conference in Honor of W. Clark Gilpin: 5.19-20

Dear Workshop, Please note that on Thursday and Friday of the coming week (May 19 and 20), the Divinity School will be hosting a special conference to honor our colleague and mentor, Clark Gilpin. The conference is called “Writing Religion: Representation,...

Workshop: 5.12.2011

Dear Workshop, On Thursday, May 12th, April Manalang, Ph.D. Candidate in American Culture Studies, Bowling Green University will present her dissertation proposal, “How and to What Extent Do Religious Communities Connect Immigrants to the Public Sphere? Imagining a...

Workshop: 4.28.11

Dear Workshop, On Thursday, April 28th, David Mihalyfy, PhD Candidate in the History of Christianity will present, “Language, Context, Criticism: Identifying Major Interpretative Shifts in Academic Biblical Exegesis, With a Glance at One Early 19th c. American...

Workshop: 4.14.11

Dear Workshop, On Thursday, April 4th, Betsy Wood, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of History will present a chapter from her dissertation: “Children, Religion, and Capitalism: The Battle for Keating-Owen, the Social Gospel, and the Rise of the American Toy...

Workshop: 3.31.11

Dear Workshop, On Thursday, March 31, David Lyons, Ph.D. Candidate in the Divinity School will present a paper entitled: “Never-Ending? Superman, Social Myth, and the Crisis of Fordism” Time: 12:00, Thursday, March 31, 2011 Place: Swift Hall, Room 400...

Guest Speaker: 3.8.11

Dear Workshop, On Tuesday, March 8, we will be co-sponsoring a special event with the Confucius Institute at the University of Chicago. Yi Liu, an assistant professor at Shanghai University and the Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society...

Workshop: 2.24.11

Dear Workshop, In response to special requests at our last workshop, this coming Thursday (2.24.11) we will be having a workshop planning meeting. Please feel free to bring ideas for articles, topics, and guest speakers you would like to see in future workshops. Time:...

Workshop: 2.10.11

Dear Workshop, On Thursday, February 10th, we will be discussing Jonathan Sheehan’s article, “Enlightenment, Religion, and the Enigma of Secularization: A Review Essay.” Sheehan recently wrote an award winning book, The Enlightenment Bible:...