Monday, November 9: Abigail Marcus on Donne’s Divine Encounters

by Unknown English artist, oil on panel, circa 1595


Please join the Renaissance Workshop

THIS Monday, November 9th, when

Abigail Marcus
PhD Candidate
Department of English
University of Chicago
presents the paper:
Seeking Face Darkly: John Donne’s Divine Encounters
MONDAY 9 November
5:00 PM
Rosenwald 405

The paper, to be read in advance, will distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list, and available for download in the post above with the password “senses.”

If you would like to join our e-mail list, please visit
We are committed to making our workshop fully accessible to persons with disabilities. Questions, requests, or concerns may be directed to Katia Fowler ( or Sarah Kunjummen (

Unknown Artist “John Donne” at the National Portrait Gallery, London