Renaissance Workshop Call for Papers 2018-19

The Renaissance Workshop invites submissions for the 2018-19 academic year. The workshop discusses work-in-progress of both graduate students and faculty in early modern and Renaissance studies. Faculty members Ellen MacKay and Timothy Harrison advise the workshop. We welcome submissions of dissertation chapters, article drafts, and conference presentations from across the University. In the past year, presentations included the following subjects: Persian lyric, insect acoustics, Lucretius’ Renaissance reception, and penance in Shakespeare.

We encourage proposals both from regular attendees and from those new to the workshop. If you have a work-in-progress that you would like to present for discussion and feedback at this year’s workshop, please submit a brief proposal to Michal Zechariah ( or Jo Nixon ( by September 10th. We ask that proposals be no more than 250 words.

The Renaissance Workshop meets on alternating Mondays in Rosenwald 405 from 5:00-6:30. Please join us for our first meeting of the 2018-19 academic year on Monday, October 8.