Please join the Renaissance Workshop
MONDAY, April 15, when
Joe Moshenska
Assistant Professor and Beaverbrook and Bouverie Tutorial Fellow
University College, University of Oxford
presents the paper:
“Iconoclasm as Child’s Play: Spenser’s Toys”
MONDAY, 15 April
Cobb 409
Please note the unusual week and location.
The paper, to be read in advance, will be distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and is available with a password in the post below. Light refreshments will be served.
If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop fully accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and/or concerns may be directed to Jo Nixon ( or Michal Zechariah (
Image: “Holy Family at Work” from The Hours of Catherine of Cleaves. c. 1440.
Via The Morgan Library and Museum