Raphael Magarik, “A Failure to Communicate: Miltonic Accommodation and Narration”

Please join the Renaissance Workshop
MONDAY, November 4, when

Raphael Magarik
Assistant Professor of English
University of Illinois at Chicago
presents the paper:

“A Failure to Communicate: Miltonic Accommodation and Narration”
MONDAY, November 4
Rosenwald 405

The paper, to be read in advance, will be distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and is available with a password in the post below. Light refreshments will be served.

If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and/or concerns should be directed to Ryan Campagna (rcampagna@uchicago.edu) or Michal Zechariah (michalz@uchicago.edu).

Ben Jeffery, “The Despotic Image: Grievance and Non-presence in Shakespeare”

Please join the Renaissance Workshop
MONDAY, October 21, when

Ben Jeffery
PhD Candidate
Committee on Social Thought
University of Chicago
presents the paper:

“The Despotic Image: Grievance and Non-presence in Shakespeare””
MONDAY, October 21st

Rosenwald 405

The paper, to be read in advance, will be distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and is available with a password in the post below. Light refreshments will be served.

If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and/or concerns should be directed to Ryan Campagna (rcampagna@uchicago.edu) or Michal Zechariah (michalz@uchicago.edu).

Image: John Austen, Hamlet. 1922.

Owen Joyce-Coughlan, “On the Relationship between Philosophy of Nature and Mysticism in Meister Eckhart, Nicolaus Cusanus and Giordano Bruno”

Please join the Renaissance Workshop
MONDAY, October 7, when

Owen Joyce-Coughlan
PhD Student
University of Chicago
presents the paper:

“On the Relationship between Philosophy of Nature and Mysticism in Meister Eckhart, Nicolaus Cusanus and Giordano Bruno”
MONDAY, October 7

Rosenwald 405

The paper, to be read in advance, will be distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and is available with a password in the post below. Light refreshments will be served.

If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and/or concerns should be directed to Ryan Campagna (rcampagna@uchicago.edu) or Michal Zechariah (michalz@uchicago.edu).

Image: Frederik de Wit, Planisphærium cœleste. 1670.