Sarah Kunjummen on “‘Blackness Itself’: Race and Epistemology in the Poetry of Edward Herbert”

Please join the Renaissance Workshop
Monday, May 25th, when

Sarah Kunjummen
Phd, English
University of Chicago
presents the paper:

“‘Blackness Itself’: Race and Epistemology in the Poetry of Edward Herbert”
MONDAY, May 25th

The paper, to be read in advance, will be distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and is available with a password in the post below.

If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and/or concerns should be directed to Ryan Campagna ( or Michal Zechariah (

Image: Isaac Oliver, The miniature portrait of Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury. c. 1602-1617.

MONDAY, May 11th: Timothy Harrison, “Fictions of Human Nature in Early Modern Poetry and Philosophy”

Please join the Renaissance Workshop
Monday, May 11th, when

Timothy Harrison
Assistant Professor, English
University of Chicago
presents the paper:

John Donne’s Physics (Chapter One of Book MS)
MONDAY, May 11th

The paper, to be read in advance, has been distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and is available on our website with a password in the post above.

If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and/or concerns should be directed to Ryan Campagna ( or Michal Zechariah (


Image: title page of the 1634 edition of the John Donne’s Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions. Engraved by William Marshall.