October 8 (Week 3): Allie Terry, “Giorgione, the Portrait and the Icon: Challenges to Sixteenth-Century Figuration in Venice” (Graduate Student, Art History).
October 22 (Week 5): Paul Alpers, “Learning from the New Criticism: The Example of Shakespeare’s Sonnets,” (U.C. Berkeley, English).
November 5 (Week 7): Julio Velez, “Quevedo Resting on His Laurels: A (Topo)graphical Topos in El Parnasso espanol (1648)” (Graduate Student, Romance Languages).
November 19 (Week 9): Garth Bond, “John Donne’s Cabinet-Court: Manuscript Circulation in the Verse Letters,” (Graduate Student, English).
November 29 (Week 10): Stephen Campbell, “‘New Shapes of Men’: Rosso, Michelangelo and Anatomical Invention.” (Asst. Professor of History of Art at Penn) (co-sponsored with the Art History Dept).
January 7 (Week 2): Meredith Ray, “Epistolary Impersonation and the Critique of Humanism: Ortensio Lando’s Lettere di molte valorose donne” (Graduate Student, Romance Languages).
January 11 (Week 2): Mock Job Talks:
Glenn Clark, “Shakespeare’s Tavern in Eastcheap: Desperate Debts and Loving Fellowship” (Graduate Student, English).
Joshua Phillips: “Sidney and the Work of Shame”(Graduate Student, Comp Lit).
January 14 (Week 3): Laurie Shannon, “Likings/Likenings: Rhetorical Husbandries and Portia’s ‘True Conceit’ of Friendship” (Assoc. Professor of English, Duke University)
January 21 (Week 4): Mock Job Talk: Aaron Kitch (Graduate Student, English)
February 4 (Week 6): Richard Strier, “Against the Rule of Reason: Praise of Passion from Petrarch to Luther to Shakespeare to Herbert” (Professor, English) with the History and Social Sciences Workshop (HSCPE)
February 18 (Week 8): postponed
March 4 (Week 10): Mary Trull: “‘Home-Bred Matters’: Marriage and the Overheard Lament in Mary Wroth’s Urania.”
April 1 (Week 2): Eirik Steinhoff, “‘They also s[w]erve,’ or, Chance in Paradise Lost.”
April 8 (Week 3): Prospective Student Day
April 18 (Week 4): Peter Stallybrass, (University of Pennsylvania), “Hamlet’s Tables: A Detective Story.”
April 22 (Week 5): George Hoffman, “Incredulousness: the Archeology of a Mental Tool.”
May 6 (Week 7): Carla Mazzio, “Accounting for Hamlet: Melancholy and the Emotional Life of Numbers in Renaissance Drama.”