Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Janel Mueller Department of English Literature, The University of Chicago:
“Prospecting for Common Ground in Devotion: Queen Katherine Parr’s Personal Prayerbook”
5:00-6:30, Rosenwald 405
**Please note the unusual date**
Thursday, October 23rd
Kathy Eden
Departments of English, Comparative Literature and Classics Columbia University:
“Familiaritas in Erasmian Rhetoric and Hermeneutics”
4:00-5:30 Rosenwald 405
Presented jointly with The Rhetoric and Poetics Workshop
**Please note the unusual date and time**
Monday, November 17th
Megan Heffernan Department of English, The University of Chicago:
“’A willing minde, eche part togeather sought’:Poetic Environments in the Early Modern Miscellany”
5:00-6:30 Rosenwald 405
Monday, December 1st
Rana Choi Divinity School, University of Chicago presenting two short essays:
“The Aesthetics of Iris Murdoch and the Literary Criticism of Erich Auerbach”
and “An Attempt at an Auerbachian Reading of Hamlet”
5:00-6:30 Rosenwald 405
Thursday, January 15th
A mock-job talk by Jeffrey Rufo
Department of Comparative Literature:
“‘The mightiest kings have had their minions’: Christopher Marlowe’s Sodomitical Politics”
4:30-6:00 Classics 113
**Note the unusual date, time and place!**
Tuesday, January 20th **Note Change of Date**
Clark Gilpin
Divinity School, University of Chicago:
“The Experience of Defeat: English Political Prisoners, 1649-1662”
5:00-6:30 Rosenwald 405
Presented in Cooperation with the Nicholson Center and the Early Modern Workshop
Monday, February 2nd
Elizabeth Hutcheon Department of English, University of Chicago:
“From Shrew to Subject: The Humanist Pedagogy of Petruchio’s ‘Taming-School’ in The Taming of the Shrew”
5:00-6:30, Rosenwald 405
Presented jointly with The Gender and Sexuality Studies Workshop
**Friday, February 20th** NOTE NEW ADDITION TO SCHEDULE!
Holly Pickett
Department of English, Washington and Lee University:
“Motion Rhetoric in Serial Conversion Narratives: Religion and Change in Early Modern England”
5:00-6:30 Rosenwald 405
**All are invited to attend a dinner at Cedars with Prof. Pickett following the workshop**
Monday, March 2nd
Eric Rasmussen
Department of English, University of Nevada, Reno:
Paper TBA
5:00-6:30 Rosenwald 405
Monday, March 16th
Chriscinda Henry Department of Art History, University of Chicago:
“Courtesan ‘Portraiture’ and Illicit Amorous Narratives”
5:00-6:30, Rosenwald 405
Monday, April 6th
Eirik Steinhoff Department of English, University of Chicago:
“Christopher Marlowe’s ‘ambiguous terms'”
5:00-6:30, Rosenwald 405
Presented jointly with The Poetry and Poetics Workshop
Monday, April 27th
Patricia Fumerton
Department of English, University of California, Santa Barbara:
“Moving Violations of Broadside Ballads: ‘The Lady and the Blackamoor,’ Black and More”
5:00-6:30 Rosenwald 405
**All are invited to attend a dinner at Cedars with Prof. Fumerton following the workshop**
Monday, May 4th
Rivi Handler-Spitz Department of Comparative Literature, University of Chicago:
“Judgment and the Creation of Participatory Readers in the Sixteenth Century: Li Zhi and Montaigne.”
2:30-4:00, Rosenwald 405
Presented jointly with the Literature & Cultural History of Pre-Modern East Asia
Monday, May 18th
Constance Jordan
Department of English, Clarement Graduate University
Paper TBA
5:00-6:30 Rosenwald 405
Monday, June 1st
Laura Aydelotte
Department of English, University of Chicago:
Building the House of Fame:
Poetry, Memory and Architectural Ekphrasis in Chaucer’s Dream
5:00-6:30, Rosenwald 405