WEDNESDAY, March 5th, Yunning Zhang, “(Euro-)Asian Relics, Afro-Asian Sediments: Writing Bondage and Martyrdom in Seventeenth-Century Macao.”

Please join the Renaissance Workshop
WEDNESDAY, March 5th, when
Yunning Zhang
PhD Candidate, Department of Comparative Literature
University of Chicago
presents the paper
(Euro-)Asian Relics, Afro-Asian Sediments: Writing Bondage and Martyrdom in Seventeenth-Century Macao.
WEDNESDAY, March 5th
Rosenwald 405
The paper, to be read in advance, has been distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and is available on our website here under the password “cafre.” Refreshments will be served.
If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and concerns should be directed to Andrés Irigoyen ( or Alyssa Mulé (

WEDNESDAY, February 19th, Ryan Campagna, “Restoring the ‘Imperial Race’: Whiteness and Trans* Embodiment in Margaret Cavendish’s Blazing World”

Please join the Renaissance Workshop
WEDNESDAY, February 19th, when
Ryan Campagna
PhD Candidate, Department of English
University of Chicago
presents the paper
“Restoring the ‘Imperial Race’: Whiteness and Trans* Embodiment in Margaret Cavendish’s Blazing World
WEDNESDAY, February 19th
Rosenwald 405
The paper, to be read in advance, has been distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and is available on our website here under the password “blazing.” Light refreshments will be served.
If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and concerns should be directed to Andrés Irigoyen ( or Alyssa Mulé (

WEDNESDAY, January 29th, Andres Irigoyen, “Sick and ‘Tyr’d’: Cymbeline’s Theatre of Fatigue”

Please join the Renaissance Workshop
WEDNESDAY, January 29th, when
Andres Irigoyen
PhD Candidate, English Department
University of Chicago
presents the paper
Sick and “Tyr’d”: Cymbeline‘s Theatre of Fatigue
WEDNESDAY, January 29th
Rosenwald 405
The paper, to be read in advance, has been distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and is available on our website here under the password “fatigue.” Light refreshments will be served.
If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and concerns should be directed to Andrés Irigoyen ( or Alyssa Mule (

Please join the Renaissance Workshop
TUESDAY, October 29th, when
Benjamin Jeffery
Harper-Schmidt Fellow and Collegiate Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago
will present the paper
“Beginner’s Magic: The Organization of Reality in The Tempest”
TUESDAY, October 29th
Rosenwald 405
The paper, to be read in advance, has been distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and is available on our website under the password “magic.” Light refreshments will be served.
If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and concerns should be directed to Andrés Irigoyen ( or Alyssa Mulé (
Image: “Miranda – The Tempest,” oil on canvas, signed b.r.: J.W. Waterhouse / 1916

Renaissance Workshop Autumn 2024 Schedule

Dear Colleagues, 


We are happy to announce the Renaissance Workshop’s Autumn 2024 schedule, which can be found in full below. The workshop meets on Mondays from 5:00-6:30pm in Rosenwald 405 unless otherwise specified. Should you like to join a meeting via Zoom, please email either Alyssa Mulé ( or Andrés Irigoyen ( for accommodation. In the event that the meeting switches to a virtual setting, we will notify you in the announcement a week in advance of the event. 


Materials for the workshop, as well as the schedule and any updates, are available on our website. The Renaissance Workshop is free and open to the public, and we encourage those new to the workshop to attend. Light refreshments will be provided.


We look forward to seeing you on Monday, October 7th when Kelsey Comfort (MAPH student at the University of Chicago) will present the paper “An Examination of Forms of Reproductive Autonomy in the Early Modern Period.”


PLEASE NOTE: at the bottom of the schedule below, we want to promote a couple events at two other workshops this quarter that would be of interest to our Renshop community. One of our faculty advisors Timothy Harrison will be presenting work at the History and Philosophy of Science Workshop (Friday, October 25th) and, with Yale Professor Jane Mikkelson, at the Literature and Philosophy Workshop (Thursday, November 7th).



Alyssa and Andrés 


AUTUMN 2024 


October 7th | Kelsey Comfort

Graduate Student, The Master of Arts Program in the Humanities

University of Chicago

“An Examination of Forms of Reproductive Autonomy in the Early Modern Period”


October 28th | Ben Jeffery 

Harper-Schmidt Fellow, Collegiate Assistant Professor

University of Chicago

“Beginner’s Magic: The Organization of Reality in The Tempest”


November 18th | Sarah-Gray Lesley

Teaching Fellow, Department of English

University of Chicago 

“Falstaff’s Fat Suit” 


December 9th | Andrés Irigoyen 

PhD Candidate, Department of English

University of Chicago 

“Sick and ‘Tyr’d’: Cymbeline‘s Theatre of Fatigue”


Affiliated Events at Other Workshops


October 25th (FRIDAY) | Timothy Harrison

at the History and Philosophy of Science Workshop

Timothy Harrison is Associate Professor of English at the University of Chicago

presenting the paper

“Privation and Incapacity in the Anthropology of John Milton”

Friday at 12:00pm, Location TBA


November 7th (THURSDAY) | Timothy Harrison & Jane Mikkelson

at the Literature and Philosophy Workshop

Timothy Harrison is Associate Professor of English at the University of Chicago

Jane Mikkelson is Assistant Professor of Humanities and Classical Persian at Yale University

They will be presenting the paper

Philosophy, Poetry, and Concepts of Mind: Apprehension Across Early Modern Eurasia

Thursday at 5:00pm, in Foster 505