Wednesday, May 13th: Ellen MacKay on Cleopatra’s Barge and Theatrical Absorption versus Critical Distance Taking

Please join the Renaissance and Theater & Performance Studies Workshops
Wednesday, May 13, when

Ellen MacKay
Associate Professor
Department of English
Indiana University – Bloomington

presents the paper:

Absorption, Uncontainment, and Cleopatra’s Barge
Wednesday 13 May
4:30 PM
Rosenwald 405
**Please note the location has changed**

The paper, to be read in advance, was distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list, and is available in the above post. Light snacks and refreshments will be served.

This event is generously supported by The Center for Theater and Performance Studies.

Illustration by Byam Shaw. Source: Folger Shakespeare Library

Friday, May 8th: Beatrice Bradley on Classical Sources in Thomas Cogan’s Haven of Health

Please join the Renaissance Workshop
THIS Friday, May 8th, when
Beatrice Bradley
PhD Student, English
University of Chicago

presents her paper:

Bad Latin: The Evolution of Classical Sources in Thomas Cogan’s The Haven of Health 


Rosenwald 405
(Refreshments will be served.) 

Please note that there is no precirculated paper for this workshop.

Monday, April 20th: Seth Lobis on Vitalism in Dryden and Davenant’s Tempest

Please join the Renaissance Workshop
NEXT Monday, April 20th, when

Seth Lobis
Associate Professor
Department of Literature
Claremont McKenna College

presents the paper:

The Quick and the Dead:
Vitalism and Literary History in the Restoration Tempest
MONDAY 20 April
5:00 PM
Rosenwald 405

The paper, to be read in advance, will be distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list, and is available for download in the post above. Light refreshments will be served.

Image from Columbia University’s online exhibition “Shakespeare and the Book.”

Workshop in Special Collections on Friday, Feb. 20

“Unlocking the Secrets of Donne’s Letters”

Jana Dambrogio, Thomas F. Peterson Conservator, MIT Libraries and Daniel Smith, Fellow, Lincoln College, University of Oxford

3:00-3:45: Viewing of original manuscripts (optional)
3:45-4:00: Coffee Break
4:00-5:30: Lecture and Hands-on Workshop

Friday, February 20
Special Collections Research Center
in the Joseph Regenstein Library

We have a limited amount of space. If you would like to attend or can no longer attend, please contact Katia Fowler (