Spring Quarter Schedule

Mar. 31 (3:30 pm): Helma Dik (University of Chicago, Classics), “Mining Greek literature: algorithms and gender in Greek drama”

Apr. 7 (3:30 pm): Marcos Gouvea (University of Chicago, Classics), “Living by the Word: Asceticism and Education in Basil of Caesarea and Augustine”

Apr. 18 (4:30 pm): Claude Calame (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris), “The Homeric Hymns as musical offerings: poetic and ritual relationships with the gods of the Greek cities”

Apr. 28 (3:30 pm): Rana Liebert (University of Chicago, Classics), “Poikilia and Poetic Pleasure in Plato’s Republic”

May 12 (3:30 pm): Emily Greenwood (Yale University, Department of Classics), “Almost Athenian: Troping Athenian Identity in Thucydides”

Jun. 2 (3:30 pm): Diana Moser (University of Chicago, Classics), “Roman Astrology and Criminality”