January 10– Johanna Hanink, Brown University
“Did Euripides Influence the Funeral Orators? Tragic Plots and the Catalogue of Exploits”
January 24– Marcos Gouvêa, University of Chicago
“The ‘Homeric’ Life of Vergil”
February 7– Rebekah Spearman, University of Chicago
“Singing Springs and Cyrenian Things in Callimachus’ Hymn to Apollo”

February 28– Rosalie Stoner, University of Chicago

“The Significance of Voluntas in Quintilian’s Project of Moral Education”
~This session will be co-sponsored with the Early Christian Studies Workshop.~
March 7– David Orsbon, University of Chicago
“Spoliastic Aesthetics and Scholarship as Art: Notes Toward a Theory of Late Antique Aesthetics”
All events will take place at 3:30 pm in Classics 21. Please contact the workshop coordinator (rosaliestoner@uchicago.edu) if you need an accommodation to attend this event.