Thursday, October 3rd — Emily Austin (UChicago)

“The Other Iliad: Narrative Reversals and the Human Condition”


Thursday, October 17th — Andrew Horne (UChicago) 

“Terence on Human Nature”

*Tuesday*, October 29th — Edward Harris (Edinburgh)

“Supplication in Athenian Tragedy: Law, Ritual and Dramatic Structure”


(This meeting will be cosponsored with the Ancient Societies Workshop; note the unusual date)


Thursday, October 31st — Barbara Kowalzig (NYU)

Title TBD

Thursday, November 7th — Claudio Sansone (UChicago)

“A Homeric Poetics of Exclusion”

Thursday, November 21st — David Williams (UChicago)

“Blumenberg’s ‘Comedy of Pure Theory’ and Aristophanes’ Clouds

(This meeting will be cosponsored with the Literature and Philosophy Workshop)

All meetings will take place in Classics 21 at 3:30pm.