Social Theory Workshop Spring 2013: All workshops will be held on Thursdays at 6pm (except our last session which will also be a Memorial Day BBQ) in Wilder House (5811 S Kenwood Ave). All papers will be distributed in advance of the workshops via the Social Theory Workshop list serv. To join this list serv go to: and search for “Social Theory”
April 4: Alan Milchman, Lecturer, Department of Political Science at Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY) “Modern Social Theory and the Project of the Abolition of Labor”
April 18: Tyson Leuchter, Ph.D. Candidate, History, University of Chicago: “The Illimitable Right: The Marché à Terme, Property, and Political Authority in Napoleonic France.”
May 2: Ashleigh Campi, Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science, University of Chicago. “Can political theory think economic subjects? Psychoanalytic Contributions to a Theory of Neoliberalism”
May 16: Alvaro Santana-Acuña, Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology, Harvard University. “The Nation-State Is Flat: Cadastral Mapping and Theories of State Formation”
Monday May 27 (time TBD): Daragh Grant, Society of Fellows, University of Chicago, “Civilizing’ the Colonial Subject: Servitude, Slavery, and State Formation in Colonial South Carolina before the Stono Rebellion” Last STW session of the year and our fourth annual BBQ!