Since Fall 2021, I’m a PhD student at Stanford studying mathematics. My advisor is Ravi Vakil and I study algebraic geometry, especially at the overlap with model theory. Before 2021, I was an undergraduate at UChicago.
My research papers are available on the arXiv.
Expository Writings
Writings from undergrad (correctness not guaranteed!)
- A paper on Macintyre’s Theorem for uncountably categorical theories of fields, written as a final paper for “Some Logic and Geometry for Mathematicians,” taught by Professors Maryanthe Malliaris and Shmuel Weinberger.
- Notes on conformal geometry, uniformization, and Ricci flow, written as a final paper for graduate differential geometry, with Professor Amie Wilkinson.
- Notes on group schemes and Cartier duality, written for a reading course with Professor Matthew Emerton.
- A paper on ramification in mod p Galois representations, written for a reading course with Andrea Dotto.
- A paper on elliptic curves, the Mordell-Weil theorem, modular curves and Mazur’s torsion theorem, written for UChicago’s 2019 math REU.
- Galois Groups and Branched Coverings of Riemann Surfaces: written for a reading course with Brian Lawrence.
- Random Graphs and Keisler’s Order: written as a final paper for Model Theory II, taught by Professor Maryanthe Malliaris.
- An explanation of forcing, written for UChicago’s 2018 math REU.
You can reach me by email at [lastname] at