Photo credit: Cedric Fox on Unsplash
Dissertation writing is a marathon. UChicagoGRAD is here to support you in building a sustainable writing practice and getting the feedback you need to move forward.
One-on-One Writing Consultations
UChicagoGRAD’s graduate writing advisors provide feedback on a variety of academic writing projects, including dissertation chapters, conference presentations, and academic articles. Advising appointments focus on your goals and concerns. Your advisor will work with you to understand your audience, refine your strategy, and set practical steps for revision. Schedule an advising appointment.
Spring Break Dissertation Write-in
UChicagoGRAD’s Spring Break Dissertation Write-in (March 13-16) is an intensive group writing retreat designed to help you build community and make progress on your work. Attendees will meet for breakfast and a quick tip session each day at 9:00 in UChicagoGRAD HQ. They will then move to the GRAD Lounge to write independently for a three-hour block. At 12:30 they will return to GRAD HQ for lunch and conversation. Space is limited, so participants should commit to attending three of the four days. Participants should be PhD students at the proposal stage or later. RSVP for the Write-in.
Structured Writing Accountability Groups (SWAG)
Structured Writing Accountability Groups invite PhD students to join together in communities of writing practice. These groups help writers meet their goals by facilitating weekly meetings over the course of Spring Quarter. Please note that these groups are designed to support writing productivity and are not forums for receiving peer feedback. Students will be assigned a group upon registration. Groups meet at the same time for 2 hours a week for the duration of the quarter. SWAG is open to all doctoral students who are working on a major writing project. Students must attend an introductory workshop to participate in the program. Fill out this form to register for SWAG.
Support in Navigating Mentor-Mentee Relationships
Whether you are brand new to dissertation writing or deep into your project, relationships with faculty mentors play a critical role in your success. If you would like to discuss strategies for building effective mentoring relationships, you can request a mentorship advising appointment with Amanda Young, Associate Director of Graduate Student Affairs. Schedule an appointment through GRAD Gargoyle or by emailing amanday@uchicago.edu.