Volunteer at GAINS Conference

Below are some opportunities to participate in a conference run by Girls Advancing in STEM (GAINS) that will be occurring this November. Roles would be to guide facility/lab tours and/or give short talks to high school students. This could be a great way to practice...
Volunteer at the Southside Science Festival!

Volunteer at the Southside Science Festival!

We are looking for volunteers to work 2-hour shifts during the second annual Southside Sciences Festival, to be held on campus on September 30th. WiC+ will be hosting a table with the following hands-on activity Pipet Art: Using colored water and 96-well plates,...
UChicago Sciencepalooza 2023

UChicago Sciencepalooza 2023

WiC+ had a great time hosting a table at Sciencepalooza on the quad on May 5th! We thanks Phoenix Biology for inviting us to participate with other RSOs, and thanks to everyone who came by to answer our poll on equity in STEM at UChicago and to enter our book...
Gateway to the Great Outdoors

Gateway to the Great Outdoors

If any of members are interested in volunteering at a science outreach fair, please see the attached flyers and email. A local elementary school (just past Washington Park) is hosting a science fair in May and WiC+ would be happy to support any students who are...