
Keep up to date on info about our latest events and opportunities here!

Volunteer at GAINS Conference

Below are some opportunities to participate in a conference run by Girls Advancing in STEM (GAINS) that will be occurring this November. Roles would be to guide facility/lab tours and/or give short talks to high school students. This could be a great way to practice...

Volunteer at the Southside Science Festival!

Volunteer at the Southside Science Festival!

We are looking for volunteers to work 2-hour shifts during the second annual Southside Sciences Festival, to be held on campus on September 30th. WiC+ will be hosting a table with the following hands-on activity Pipet Art: Using colored water and 96-well plates,...

Participate in the WiC+ Board Elections!

Participate in the WiC+ Board Elections!

Please take a moment to participate in the Women+ in Chemistry Board Elections for the 2023-2024 academic year. The leadership transfer will occur during September. As you can see on the form, WiC+ is in need of more board members for the upcoming year. If you would...

Summer Book Club: The Exceptions (part 1)

Summer Book Club: The Exceptions (part 1)

Hi Everyone, Thank you once again for your interest in the WiC+/WiGS+ Summer Book Club! I'm happy to report that the top 3 voted books are: The Exceptions: Nancy Hopkins, MIT, and the Fight for Women in Science by Kate Zernike The Autobiography of a Transgender...