This is the current and complete list of approved Education and Society MA Certificate courses. Not all courses are offered every year.

CHDV 30101  Applied Statistics in Human Development Research 
CHDV 30102  Introduction to Causal Inference 
CHDV 30774  Multilingualism in Mind & Social Interaction: Language, Self, & Thought in the Multilingual Context 
CHDV 31000  Cultural Psychology 
CHDV 32411  Mediation, Moderation, and Spillover Effects 
CHDV 33305  Critical Studies of Mental Health in Higher Education 
CHDV 38960  The Development of Communicative Competence 
CHDV 40207  Development in Adolescents 
CHDV 40315  Inequality in Urban Spaces 
CHDV 40400  Inequality in Education: Theory, Policy, and Practice 
CHDV 44300  Children and Youth Studies 
EDSO 33002  Schooling and Identity 
EDSO 33006  Schooling and Social Inequality 
EDSO 33009  Research Practice Partnerships in Education 
EDSO 33011  Beyond the Culture Wars: Social Movements and the Politics of Education 
EDSO 37919  Research in School Improvement 
EDSO 40100  Reading and Research: Education and Society 
MAPH 32819  Philosophy of Education 
MAPS 30289  Intermediate Regression and Data Science  
MAPS 32700  It Goes Without Saying: Conversation in Context 
MAPS 34700  Language, Culture, and Development 
PPHA 31511  Education and International Development 
PPHA 35240  Education, Inequality, and Economic Development 
PPHA 35700  Economics of Education Policy 
PPHA 35710 Introduction to Economics of Education 
PPHA 35720  Higher Education Policy 
PPHA 36800  Higher Education and Public Policy 
PPHA 40700  Early Childhood: Human Capital Development and Public Policy 
PPHA 43650  The Scale-up Effect in Public Policy: Understanding and addressing threats to scalability 
PSYC 32220  Understanding Inequality as a Psychologist 
PSYC 32450  Seminar on Mathematical Development 
PSYC 32950  Emergence and Development of Mathematics and Language 
PSYC 33600  Cognition in Infancy 
PSYC 33750  Seminar: Skill Acquisition and Sensorimotor Learning 
PSYC 40500  Advanced Seminar in Development Psychology 
PSYC 41115  Social Cognitive Development 
PSYC 43200  Seminar in Language Development 
PSYC 43660  Research Topics in Gesture and Learning 
SOCI 30004  Statistical Methods of Research 
SOCI 30112  Applications of Hierarchical Linear Models 
SOCI 30192  The Effects of Schooling 
SOSC 36008  Principles and Methods of Measurement 
SOSC 36009  Introductory Statistical Methods and Applications 
SSAD 43412  Qualitative Inquiry and Research 
SSAD 44800  Urban Adolescents in Their Families, Communities, and Schools 
SSAD 47922  Innovations in Data Use and the Development of Practice Communities to Drive Continuous Improvement 
SSAD 48500  Data for Policy Analysis and Management 
SSAD 48860 A Comparative Study of Trauma & Role of Schools in Forced Migration of Children: Vienna & Chicago
SSAD 63412  Cultural Studies in Education 
SSAD 66000  History of American Urban Education 
SSAD 68700  Adolescent Development in Context