by tsaiweichen | Oct 22, 2015 | Announcements, Posts, Uncategorized
By: May-May Chen Running is one of the greenest sports on this planet. You can do it anywhere at any time, and, unlike other sports, it doesn’t require any equipment, electricity or gasoline. But when 40,000 runners, 1.7 million spectators, and over 100...
by tsaiweichen | Sep 22, 2015 | Announcements, Posts, Uncategorized
By Eva Kinnebrew Eva Kinnebrew is a 4th-year Environmental Studies major. This summer she was a Jeff Metcalf intern at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA, where she studied grassland ecology. Naushon Island, the largest of the Elizabeth Islands...
by tsaiweichen | Sep 14, 2015 | Announcements, Posts, Uncategorized
As world energy demands skyrocket and climate change looms around the corner, a new nuclear fuel, thorium, is emerging as a clean, safe and cheap fuel that could power the world for generations to come. Can thorium offer the energy alternative we need to power the...
by tsaiweichen | Sep 8, 2015 | Announcements, Posts, Uncategorized
The World’s Worst Market Failure: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, by Sam Zacher Sam Zacher is a 4th year student double majoring in economics and environmental studies. This is Sam’s second blog post as a guest contributor for EAF. His previous post was on Ohio State...
by tsaiweichen | Jun 15, 2015 | Announcements, Posts, Uncategorized
EAF members are off for a fun and exciting summer. Learn more about it here! Andrea Clinton This summer, I will be spending about 6 weeks in an environmental planning internship with a small non-profit in the Detroit area, where I grew up. For most of July and...
by tsaiweichen | Jun 13, 2015 | Posts, Sustainable Chicago Sports Project, Uncategorized
The Sustainable Chicago Sports Project is a collaboration between the University of Chicago Environment, Agriculture and Food Group and Program on Global Environment, City of Chicago and the Green Chicago Restaurant Coalition. View the press release here.