Eat with a Purpose: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and the Future of Food
By Caitlin Piccirillo-Stosser and Maddy Bol, on behalf of the Frizzell Speaker and Learning Series and the Program on the Global Environment On May 19, the Frizzell Speaker and Learning Series, the Program on the Global Environment, the Polsky Center for...
Documenting Ecosystems: Student Environmental Showcase, Lisa Schonberg, and the Secret Drum Band
By Caitlin Piccirillo-Stosser, on behalf of the Frizzell Speaker and Learning Series and the Program on the Global Environment On March 29th, we were very fortunate to join the International House Global Voices Performing Arts & Lecture Series, the Arts, Science,...
An Interview With Former EAF Member Leah Garner
By Dino Vivanco The Environmental Protection Agency states that food scraps and yard waste currently make up 20 to 30 percent of our landfill waste. This is all waste that can be avoided and repurposed through composting. Looking to drive down those...
Town Hall Reveals High Interest in Sustainable Dining
The UChicago Sustainable Dining Week came to an end on Thursday, February 8th, with the Sustainable Dining Town Hall. Sarah Popenhagen, director of the University’s Office of Sustainability, moderated the panel and asked questions submitted by UChicago students....
Weigh the Waste, 2018
By Ally Muszynski Sustainable Dining Week (February 5-9th) started off great, with our Weigh the Waste event on Tuesday, February 13th, in which I joined volunteers from the Environment, Agriculture and Food Working Group, the Frizzell Family Speaker and Learning...
Sustainable Dining Week: February 5th-9th
Join the Program on Global Environment, Phoenix Sustainability Initiative, Office of Sustainability, Bon Appetit and UChicago Dining for Sustainable Dining Week at UChicago! Throughout the week of February 5th, there will be several events focusing on the issues of...
The Future of Food: How the Impossible Burger May Lead the Way Toward Eliminating Animal-Based Meat Production
By Sophia Wagner and Caitlin Piccirillo-Stosser Last Thursday, the Frizzell Learning and Speaker Series, in conjunction with the Polsky Exchange and UChicago Medicine, hosted “Science, Sustainability, and the Future of Food: A Conversation with Impossible Foods CEO...
Impossible Foods Founder Shares Vision on Sustainability at Polsky
Read the UChicago Maroon article about our event with Dr. Pat Brown and Impossible Foods last week! Be sure to check back soon for photos from the event!
Science, Sustainability, and the Future of Food: A Conversation with Impossible Foods CEO Pat Brown
Check out photos from the event and the Frizzell students' recap blog here! Join us on Thursday, October 19th at 5pm at the Polsky Center for a fantastic event about the future of food! Pat Brown (AB ‘76, Ph.D. ‘80, MD ‘82), Professor Emeritus at Stanford University...
Summer Features of EAF’s New Members: Claire Costelloe
This summer, I worked as a Metcalf intern for the Delta Institute. The Delta Institute is a Chicago-based nonprofit that creates economically and environmentally sustainable tools to build healthy, resilient communities in the Great Lakes region. It has an extensive...