David Muller Presents on the Green Sports Alliance
“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, it has the power to unite people in a way little else does.” – Nelson Mandela
Chicago Green Festival, 2014
The Green Festival involves green vendors from around the city who put up booths to participate in the “World’s Largest Sustainable Living Event”, this year held in Navy Pier.
Creating Green Sports Venues: OSU’s “Zero Waste” Initiative
In a world with an increasing population, expanding built spaces and ever-present environmental challenges, creating sustainably sporting venues is a natural first step to tackle waste reduction. In 2012, Americans produced 251 million tons of garbage—over four pounds...
Green Venues: The New Sports Frontier
The annual summit of the Green Sports Alliance will be hosted in Chicago this summer, but membership includes none of Chicago’s pro sports teams.
EAF Intern Anissa Khan Discusses Her Experiences At Windy City Harvest
“It’s a place that you can actually come to and know that you’re safe and have people to talk to.” –Washington Park Site Student Crew Leader The Windy City Harvest Youth Farm is just one of the many programs at the Chicago Botanic Garden. Each year, high school...
NYT Covers Anissa Khan’s Topic Of Research, The Impact of Dam Construction on Local Communities
EAF Intern Anissa Khan, who is working on storm water management in the Mekong river, explains how the construction of the Areng dam is reminiscent of the displacement of local communities by the Manwan dam she is studying. She comments: "these dams are meant to bring...
EAF Intern Anissa Khan blogs about “Property Rights, Markets and Freedom”
Property Rights, Markets and Freedom, by Anissa Khan 6/15/14 The annual “Property Rights, Markets, and Freedom” student colloquium is hosted by the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) located in Bozeman, Montana. This colloquium allows a diverse set of 25...
EAF Contributes Food and Sustainability Research to New Intiatives
EAF and PGE students recently contributed research to two new initiatives! Our Green Restaurant Team research was used to develop the new Green Seal GS55 Certification for Sustainable Restaurants and Food Services Our research with UChicago's Office of Sustainability...
Event Recap – Fractured: A Public Discussion on Fracking and the Environment
“Fractured: A Public Discussion on Fracking and the Environment” featured four specialists, albeit from different fields, who shared their experiences and perspectives on hydraulic fracturing. The panel discussion occurred at the Field Museum on October 12 and...
A Surge of Green Infrastructure at WEFTEC 2013
By Alex Murray As the frequency of severe storm events has increased in recent years, basement back-ups and combined sewer overflows have become a nagging problem to Chicago residents. In light of this issue, the EAF group has partnered with the Metropolitan Planning...