East Asian Transregional Histories Workshop Fall Schedule
Location/Time: John Hope Franklin Room/4-6 pm
October 19th – Professor Shao Dan, UIUC, Assistant Professor EALC and Gender/ Women’s Studies
Title: “Chinese by Definition: Nationality Law, Jus sanguinis, and State Succession (1909-1980)” Note: Location Cobb 219
October 29th – Grace Chae, graduate student in History
Title: “Drawing the Leaflet Enemy: Semiotics and the Social History of the Psywarrior Imagination”
November 5th – Fei-Hsien Wang, graduate student in History
Title: “Hunting Pirates in Beijing (1930-1937)”
November 12th – Professor Akira Iriye, Charles Warren Research Professor of American History
Title: “Transnationalizing East Asian History”
November 23rd – Helen Li, graduate student in Sociology
Title: “Grassroots, Sisterhood and Activism: A revisit of Taiwanese feminist history”
December 3rd – If you would like to present, please contact cfmeyskens@uchicago.edu