2:00-2:15 PM: Welcome and introductions
2:15-3:45 PM: Panel 1 (20th-century China)
Keith Clark (Ph.D. candidate, Northwestern), “Dodging the Question: Beijing and Taipei’s Competition to Represent China and the United Nations, 1950-1960”
Niuniu Teo (Ph.D. student, UChicago), “For the Record: A Communist and Her Archive”
Guangshuo Yang (Ph.D. candidate, Northwestern), “Animal Protectionism and the Search for Political Modernity: The Case of Republican China, 1912-1937”
Discussant: Professor Peter Carroll (Northwestern)
4:00-5:30 PM: Panel 2 (Transnational Asia)
Luthfi Adam (Ph.D. candidate, Northwestern), “The Making of Empire’s Scientific Landscape: Buitenzorg Botanic Gardens under Johannes Teysmann, 1831-1869”
Samuel Chan (MA candidate, UChicago), “Not Coming to Terms with the Dynasty: Identity Production and Contestation in the Qing-Chosŏn Border, 1644-1796”
Jessa Dahl (Ph.D. candidate, UChicago), “Are Treaty Ports Beyond the North Atlantic?”
Discussant: Professor Susan Burns (UChicago)