Winter ’20 Schedule:
5/1 Stephanie Painter, PhD Candidate in History, UChicago
Title: “Wanton Defiance: Women’s Pursuit of Love, Companionship, and Sexual Desire in Eighteenth Century China”
Via Zoom
Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm CST
5/7 Alec Wang, PhD Candidate in History, UChicago
Title: “Moralizing Blindness: Disability and Confucian Charity in Chengdu, 1924-1949.”
Paper and comments to be circulated via email
5/13 Ruohan Zhou, MAPSS Student, UChicago
Title: “Disciplining the People: Mass Education on Rural Huangtu Plateau, 1947-1960”
Via Zoom
Time: TBA
5/28 Sandra Park, PhD Candidate in History
Title: “”Moses has Come!”:Christian Intercession, Refugee, and the “Miracle” of the Hungnam Evacuation”
Via Zoom
Time: TBA