All sessions run from 4 to 6pm, on Thursdays, in the John Hope Franklin Room (SS 224), unless otherwise stated.
October 10: East Asia in World History Roundtable Series (Part 1 of 3): Professor Kenneth Pomeranz, “Histories in a Less National Age”, AHA Presidential Address, 2013 (draft) Discussants: Professors Dipesh Chakrabarty and Paul Cheney
October 24: Beer Hall Caucus, convened by faculty sponsors Professors Susan Burns and Jacob Eyferth. 4pm – 6pm @ The University of Chicago Pub (Ida Noyes Hall basement). All paper presenters for the year, and PhD students working on East Asia-related history are strongly encouraged to join us!
November 7: Wei-ti Chen, PhD candidate (EALC), “Japanese Doctors Abroad: Imperial Japan and the Geo-Politics of Japanese Physicians’ Overseas Migration, 1868-1945” Discussant: tba.
November 21: Seong Un Kim, PhD candidate (History), “Keeping Television Pure and Clear: the Social Background of the Discourse on “Vulgar” Television” Discussant: tba.
December 5: Li Chen, Asst. Professor (History, Univ. of Toronto), “Precarity of Empire and Continued Legacy.” Discussant: Guo-Quan Seng (PhD candidate, History)
December 13 (Fri): (Joint-session with Visual and Material Perspectives on East Asia Workshop) Micah Auerback, Asst. Professor (UMich Ann Arbor, Asian Languages and Cultures), “Painting the Biography of the Buddha in Meiji Japan,” Venue: CWAC 153