Past Schedules


Spring 2024

March 29*: Anton Ford (UChicago), “The Objectification of Agency”. (*Joint meeting with the Practical Philosophy Workshop.)

April 5: Mike Kołodziej (UChicago), “The Concrete Composite: Hegel’s Dialectic of Mechanism as a Response to Kant’s Second Antinomy”

April 12: Karl Schafer (UT Austin), “Alienation, Intelligibility, and Idealism in Post-Kantian Metaethics”

April 26: Jacob McDowell (UChicago), “Thomas Kuhn and the Causal Theory of Reference”

May 3: Cora Diamond (University of Virginia, Emerita), “When does something have a function in the language? Thoughts about Michael Kremer on mathematics and meaning”.

May 17: Karl von der Luft (UChicago), “A Critique of Heidegger’s Account of Truth”

Winter 2024

January 12: Thomas Pendlebury (UChicago), “The Kantian’s Desire”

January 19: Maggie Sandholm (UChicago), “The Character of Self-experience”

January 26: Amy Levine (UChicago), “The “anxious possibility of being able” and the “enigmatic word”: Seeking a Theory of Agency in Kierkegaard’s The Concept of Anxiety”

February 9: Michael Powell (UChicago), “Anscombe and Strawson on ‘I'”

February 16: Adrian Haddock (Leipzig), “‘I’ and ‘NN’: Self-Consciousness and Mutual Recognition”

March 1: Adam Katwan (UChicago), “Kant on Purposiveness, the Peculiarity of Human Reason, and the Supersensible”

Autumn 2023

September 29: Paskalina Bourbon (UChicago), “Justification Reconsidered”

October 13: Greg Brown (UChicago), “Ontology Made Difficult”

October 27: Irad Kimhi (UChicago), “Of What Must One Remain Silent?”

November 3*: Jed Lewinsohn (University of Pittsburgh), “The ‘Natural Unintelligibility’ of Normative Powers”. (*Joint meeting with the Practical Philosophy Workshop.)

November 10: Alix Cohen (University of Notre Dame), “In Defense of Epistemic Autonomy: A Kantian Proposal”

November 17: Laurenz Ramsauer (UChicago), “The Emotional Labor of Enlightenment”


March 24: Andrew Beddow, “Kant as a Lutheran Apologist” 

March 31: Jason Bridges “The Unity of Inference” (joint meeting with Theoretical Philosophy Workshop at GPW’s normal time/place)

April 14: Angelica Nuzzo (CUNY), “Spirit as the Other to Nature—A Reflection in Hegel’s Aftermath”

May 12: Michael Powell, “Anscombe on ‘I’ and the Logical Role of Referring” 

Winter 2023

January 6:  David Wellbery (UChicago Germanic Studies), “Goethe on Tragedy”

(Joint Session with the Literature and Philosophy Workshop)

January 20: Brook Ziporyn (UChicago Divinity), “Missed Exit: How the Hegel of 1802 Almost Became a Chinese Philosopher”

January 27: Irad Kimhi (UChicago Social Thought), “On the Exhibitionism that Modesty Hides (Logical Understanding and the Theory of Meaning)”

February 3: Michelle Kosch (Cornell), “Recognition After Fichte”

February 10: Andrew Beddow (UChicago Philosophy), “Kant as a Lutheran Apologist”

February 24: David Kretz (UChicago Germanic Studies/Social Thought), “Kant on the Forms of Historical Agency” (meeting will take place over Zoom)

March 3:  Kristen De Man (UChicago Philosophy), (title TBD)

Fall 2022

September 30:  Michael Kremer (UChicago), “Margaret MacDonald’s Wittgenstein: What She Learned from Him, and What She Did with It.”

October 14  Paskalina Bourbon (UChicago), “Getting out of the Race: Deduction and Lewis Carroll’s Achilles and the Tortoise Paradox”

*Monday* October 24:  Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen):  “Observation, Interaction, Communication: the Role of the Second Person” (Note: This is a Joint Session with the Practical Philosophy Workshop, taking place from 6:00-8:00pm in Cobb Hall 202.)

November 4 Laurenz Ramsauer (UChicago) “Kant’s Problem with the Concept of Humanity”

November 18:  Wim Vanrie (Ghent University): “Tautology and Showing in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus

December 2: Jed Lewinsohn (University of Pittsburgh): “The ‘Natural Unintelligibility’ of Normative Powers.” (Joint session with Practical Philosophy Workshop taking place in our (GPW’s) usual time/place (Friday, 3:00-5:20 in Wieboldt 408))


Spring 2022

April 1: Matthias Haase (Uchicago), Truth in Action, joint meeting with the Practical Philosophy Workshop

April 8: James Conant, (Uchicago), The Form of Life of a Speaking Animal

May 13: Paskalina Bourbon (Uchicago), Reasoning about Reasoning: Induction, Description, and Rules

May 20: Warren Wilson (Uchicago), Form of Life, Body Politic, and Public Reason

May 27 Chris Yeomans (Purdue), Varieties of Perspective in Hegel: Logical, Social, Aesthetic

Winter 2022

February 4: Eliza Little (Chicago), How to Acquire the World: Hegel’s Pragmatic Theory of Figurative Synthesis and Kant’s Doctrine of Right

February 11: Ryan Simonelli (Chicago), Sellars’s Two Worlds

February 25: Stephen Cuniff (Chicago), Self-Alienation and the Double Subject in Kant’s Paralogisms

Fall 2021

October 15: Michael Powell, The First Person and the Concept of a Person

October 29: Laurenz Ramsauer, Moral Knowledge and the Purpose of Moral Philosophy

November 12: Nicolas Garcia-Mills, Hegel’s Ethical Organicism

December 10: Daniel Moerner, Private Charity: Themes in Kant and Spinoza


April 16: Andreja Novakovic (Berkeley)

April 30: Melina Garibovic (Chicago)

May 14: Anastasia Berg (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)

May 28: Katharina Krauss (Notre Dame)

June 4: Justin Shaddock (Williams College)

January 15: Joe Brewer (Chicago) “Time and Inner Sense”
January 29: Laurenz Ramsauer (Chicago) “Hegel’s Empty Formalism Charge”
February 12: Anubav Vasudevan (Chicago) “The Logical Basis of Leibniz’s Metaphysics” (joint with Theoretical Philosophy Workshop)
February 26: Michael Kolodziej (Chicago) “What may God not do? Spinoza’s argument that right is co-extensive with power”
March 12: Warren Wilson (Chicago) Social Agency”
October 16 (at 1:30): Pirachula Chulanon (UChicago) “The Self and the Mind in Kant’s Transcendental Psychology”

October 30: Stephen Cunniff (UChicago) “Content and Schema: Kant on Synthesis and the Content of Concepts”

November 13 (at 1:30): Ermioni Prokopaki (UChicago)  (**please note special time**) “The Problem of False Judgment in the Theaetetus”

November 20: Anubav Vasudevan (UChicago) (jointly with TPW) “The Logical Foundations of Leibniz’s Metaphysics”

December 11: Mathis Koschel (UChicago) “Solar Systems, Life, and the Finitude of Our Knowledge”


October 25
Andrew Werner (Yale University)
Hegel and the Truth of Skepticism: A Reply to Disjunctivism
November 8
Shana Crandell (University of Chicago)
The Impossibility of Moral Superintendence
November 15
Sarale Ben Asher (University of Chicago)
The Copernican Revolution as a Philosophical Example
November 22
Andrew Pitel (University of Chicago)
How Cartesian is Kant?
January 17 (3:00-4:50 p.m.)
Jessica Tizzard (University of Connecticut, Amherst)
Understanding Weakness of Will with Kant’s Moral Psychology
January 31
Joe Brewer (University of Chicago)
Kant’s Schematism
February 7
Samantha Matherne (Harvard University)
The Role of Imagination in Kant’s Theory of Empirical Concept Formation
February 14
Eliza Little (University of Chicago)
Hegel for Kantians: Some Thoughts on the Actuality of A Priori Judgments
February 21
Tobias Rosefeldt (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Kant on Decomposing Synthesis and the Intuition of Infinite Space
March 6
Michael Powell (University of Chicago),

Kant on the Formality of the ‘I Think’

May 15: Matthew Boyle (UChicago) Rationality and Reflection (co-sponsored with the Department of Philosophy)

May 22: Mathis Koschel (UChicago) Hegel on the Metaphysics of Newton’s Principia

May 29: Laurenz Ramsauer (UChicago) Fichte’s Separation of Right from Morality


Autumn 2018 

November 30, Josh Eisenthal (Pittsburgh), “Hertz’s dynamical models in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus” Workshop co-sponsored with the Theoretical Philosophy Workshop. 


Winter 2019 

January 11: Melina Garibovic (Chicago), “Fichte’s Conscience”

January 18: James Messina (Wisconsin, Madison), “Kant’s Spinozism Charge”

January 25: Laura Davis (Pittsburgh), “Rethinking Kant’s Logical Hylomorphism”

February 1: Till Hoeppner (Potsdam), “Kantian Thoughts”

February 8: Martijn Wallage (Leipzig), “A Life Which is Here and Now Endless”

February 15: Mathis Koschel (Chicago), “Objectivity in Hegel’s Science of Logic”

February 22: Jonas Held (Leipzig), “Logic as the Science of the Spontaneous Mind: Kant on the Laws of Pure General Logic”

March 1-March 3: Conference: Thinking and Being

March 7: Maria Van der Schaar (Leiden), “Modification in Husserl.”  Departmental Colloquium.

March 8-March 10: Conference: Thought and Judgment

March 15: Anastasia Berg (Cambridge), “Free Falling: Kant and the Freedom to do Evil”

March 22: Avner Steinmetz (Chicago), “Are Emotions Transparent?”


Spring 2019

April 5: Matthew Boyle (Chicago), “Armchair Psychology Defended”

April 12: Michael Kolodziej (Chicago), “Kant’s Functions of Relation as Ways of Subordinating”

April 19: Ryan Simonelli (Chicago), “Frege and the Logical Notion of Judgment”

April 26: Rory O’Connell (Chicago), “Productive Knowledge”

May 3: Yoon Choi (Marquette), “Kant on Inner Sense”

May 10: Andrew Pitel (Chicago), “Kant (and some predecessors) on the substantial,”

Thursday, May 23: Joe Brewer (Chicago), “Kant’s Schematism” 5-7 pmNote unusual time and date. 

May 24: Wolfram Gobsch (Leipzig), “Dusk: Hegel’s Conception of Philosophy’s Relation to Ordinary Life”

Wednesday, May 29: Sarah Ryckmans (Louvain), “Kant and the Question of Enlightenment” 6-8 pm. Note unusual time and date. 



Autumn 2017

October 13th:    Rachel Zuckert (Northwestern University): “Why (not) have a systematic theory of the arts? Reflections on the aesthetic theory of Johann Gottfried Herder”

November 3rd:    Karen Ng (Vanderbilt University): “Life as Ground: Hegel’s Critique of Judgment”

November 10th:     Dries Daniels (University of Chicago): “Hermeneutics and the Concept of an Illocutionary Act”
(Joint session with the Wittgenstein Workshop)

December 8th:    Jason Yonover (Johns Hopkins University)  and Daniel Burnfin (University of Chicago): “Hegel’s Critique of Spinoza”


Winter 2018

February 2nd:    Jonas Held (Universität Leipzig): “Kant on Syllogistic Reasoning”

February 16th:     Anastasia Berg (University of Cambridge): “Practical Reason in Kant: Self-Conscious or Self-Opaque?”

March 2nd:    Lucy Allais (University of the Witwatersrand & University of California, San Diego): “Disunity of the Self”

Thursday, March 15th:    Lawrence Dallman (University of Chicago), joint session with the Wittgenstein Workshop: “Marxian True Criticism and the Myth of the Given”, time: 5-7 pm


Autumn 2016

September 30: Andrew Werner (Chicago)                                                                               “The Forms of Intuition in the Transcendental Deduction”

October 7: Klaus Vieweg (Jena)                                                                                                 “The Concept of Action in Hegel’s Practical Philosophy and Aesthetics”

October 14: Thomas Schulte (Chicago)                                                                                   “Hegel on the Social Constitution of the Epistemic Subject: The Emergence of Recognition in the Phenomenology of Spirit”

November 3: Carl Posy (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)                                             “Realism, Idealism and All That: Kant’s Fourth Paralogism and the Critical Standpoint”       Thursday evening talk, 4:30-6:30 in Wiebolt 408

November 11: Laura Papish (George Washington University)                                             “Kant on Self-Deception, Rationalization, and the Hell of Self-Cognition”

December 2: Joint Presentation with the Graduate Research Conference:

Anastasia Berg (Chicago), “Evil or Only Immature? Acquiring Moral Character in Kant” & Jessica Tizzard (Chicago), “Making Room for Evil: Kant’s Cognitivism and the Human Predisposition Towards Goodness”

December 3: Joint Presentation with the Graduate Research Conference:

Andrew Werner (Chicago), “Objective Thought”


Winter 2017

January 20: Christian Martin (München), “Duality, Force, Language Games, and Our Form of Life” (Joint presentation with the Wittgenstein Workshop)

January 27: Andrew Pitel (Chicago)                                                                                     “Leibniz and Kant on (Transcendental) Reflection”

February 17: Amichai Amit (Chicago)                                                                                    “Three Kinds of ‘Forms’ in Ethics: Kant’s Universal Formula as a Case Study”

March 3: Gilad Nir (Chicago)                                                                                                   “What the Sceptic Most Desires”

March 17: Simon Gurofsky (Chicago)                                                                                     “Kant’s Transcendental Idealism and Essentially Manifest Properties”


Spring 2017

March 31: Matthew Boyle (Chicago)

April 14: Katharina Kraus (Notre Dame)

(May 5: Anastasia Berg Dissertation Defense (2.30pm, Stuart 209))

May 19: Jessica Tizzard (Chicago)                                                                                     “Practical Reason and the Call to Faith: Kant on the Postulates of Freedom, God, and Immortality”




October 9: Irad Kimhi (Chicago)
“The Inner Life of p” 

October 23: Ben Laurence (Chicago)
“Kant on Strict Right”

October 30-November 1: Conference on “Revolutions in the Philosophical Concept of Form”

November 20: Anastasia Berg (Chicago)
“Making Sense of Kant’s Moral Respect: A Case for Non-Pathological Feeling”


February 5: Thomas Schulte (Chicago)
“The Problem of the Criterion and the Self-determination of Knowledge in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit”

February 12: Stephen Engstrom (Pittsburgh)
“Self-Consciousness and the Unity of Knowledge”

February 19: Till Hoeppner (Potsdam)
“What could Kant’s Categories be?”

February 26: Andrea Kern (Leipzig)
“Cognitive Capacities, Practice and Self-Constitution”

March 4: Sebastian Rödl (Leipzig)
“Truth at an Index and the First Person”

March 18: Thomas Khurana (Frankfurt)
“Consciousness of Life and Living Self-Consciousness: On Hegel’s Transformative Picture of the Human Mind”


April 1: James Conant (Chicago)
“Kant’s Critique of the Layer-Cake Conception of Human Mindedness”

April 15: Ryan Simonelli (Chicago)
“Having Knowledge in Experience”

April 20: Markus Gabriel (Bonn)
Joint Workshop with the CEPW; 4:30-6:30 in Cobb 219.

April 29: 3rd Annual Chicagoland Graduate Conference

May 20: Claire Kirwin (Chicago)
“Pulling Oneself up by the Hair: Understanding Nietzsche on the freedom of the will”

June 3: Jessica Tizzard (Chicago)
“Forms of Rational Determination: a study of practical and theoretical sensibility in Kant”




October 7 (Wednesday), 5:00-6:30 PM, Cobb 107: Marcus Willaschek (Frankfurt). (Joint session with Practical Philosophy Workshop.)
“Right and Coercion: Can Kant’s Concept of Right be Derived from his Moral Theory?” 

October 8 (Thursday), 1:30-3:00 PM, Cobb 403: Marcus Willaschek (Frankfurt).
“The Sensibility of Human Intuition: Kant’s Causal Condition on Accounts of Representation”

October 10, 1:30-4:30 PM, Cobb 112: Marcus Willaschek (Frankfurt) and Eric Watkins (UCSD).
“Kant’s Account of Cognition”

October 16 (Thursday), 3:00-5:00 PM, Saieh Hall 203: Matthew Boyle (Harvard).
“The Rational Role of Perceptual Content”

October 24: Emily Carson (McGill).
Topic TBA.

October 31: Christian Martin (Munich/Chicago). (Joint session with Wittgenstein Workshop.)
“Poetry as a Form of Knowledge”

November 13 (Thursday), 1:30-3:00 PM, Pick Hall 222: Sebastian Rödl (Leipzig).
“Necessary Activity”

November 14: Sebastian Rödl (Leipzig).
“Empirical Judgment as Contradiction”

November 21: Andrew Werner (Chicago).
“What Is Philosophical Cognition? Hegel’s Answer”

December 12: Moreno Rocchi (Rome)
“Formal Intuition and Transcendental Method in Kant”


January 9: Clinton Tolley (UCSD).
(Changed to departmental talk: 3:00-5:00, Stuart 102)

January 23: Josh Mendelsohn (Chicago).

February 6: Ian Blecher (Haverford).
“Modality and Morality in Kant’s Later Philosophy”

February 20: Tim Jankowiak (Towson University).
“Does Kant Have a Transcendental Argument for the Lex Continui?”

March 6: Francey Russell (Chicago).
“Kant’s Heart: Self-Opacity and the Command to Self-Knowledge”

March 20: Andrea Kern (Leipzig).
“Kant and the Very Idea of a Capacity for Knowledge”


April 10: Jessica Tizzard (Chicago).
“The Metaphysics of Practical Subjectivity in Kant”

May 1: Ben Pierce (Chicago).
“Practical Knowledge as the Possibility of Metaphysics”

May 8: Christopher Yeomans (Purdue).
“Hegel, Montesquieu, and the Role of the Ständegesellschaft in Political Philosophy”

May 22: Tom Schulte (Chicago).
“Desire, Life, and Recognition in Hegel’s Phenomenology”

June 6: Paul Franks (Yale)
Topic TBA.




October 8 (Tuesday): Carl Posy (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) – Cobb 102, 4:30-7:00 (Note special day, time, and place!)
“Of Griffins and Horses: Metaphysics and Mathematics in Kant’s Critical Turn”

October 11: Tucker McKinney (University of Chicago) – 1:30-3:50 (Note early ending time.)
“Agency and Practical Finitude: Heidegger’s Anti-Anti-Rationalism”

October 25: Benjamin Pierce (University of Chicago)
“What Does a Speculative Logic Do?”

November 15: Markus Gabriel (Universität Bonn)
“A Very Heterodox Reading of the Master-Servant Allegory in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit

December 13: Marcus Lampert (University of Chicago)
“Fichte’s Account of Theoretical Knowledge in the 1794 Doctrine of Knowledge


January 10: Till Hoeppner (Universität Potsdam)
“Kant’s Metaphysical Deduction: An Interpretation of A79”

January 24: Stephan Zimmerman (Universität Bonn)
“What Does Kant Mean by ‘Categories of Freedom’?”

January 31: Matthias Haase (Universität Leipzig) – Joint meeting with Wittgenstein Workshop

February 7: Johannes Haag (Universität Potsdam)

February 13 (Thursday): Thomas Khurana (Goethe Universität) – SS 122, 4:30pm
“Of Habits and Poets: Kant on Second Nature”

February 14-16 (Friday-Sunday): Conference: Walter Benjamin as Philosopher

February 21-23 (Friday-Sunday): Conference – Kant and Sellars

February 28: Thomas Land (University of Cambridge)
“Spatial Representation, Magnitude, and the Two Stems of Cognition in Kant”

March 7: Houston Smit (University of Arizona)
“Cognition, Understanding, and Determination:  Kant’s reply to Jacobi’s Objection”

March 14: Pascal Brixel (University of Chicago) – Joint meeting with Wittgenstein Workshop
“Contextualism and the Very Idea of a Philosophical Theory”


April 11: Jessica Tizzard (University of Chicago)
“The Role of Sensibility in Kant’s Account of Practical Judgment”

April 25: Paul Redding (University of Sydney)
“An Idealist (Hegelian) Solution to a Tangle of Analytic–Pragmatist (Brandomian) Problems”

May 2: Hans Sluga (University of California, Berkeley) – Joint meeting with Wittgenstein Workshop
“‘The world as I found it.’ Timelessness, Time, and History in Wittgenstein”

May 9: Tom Evnen (University of Chicago)
“Kant and Hegel on the Non-Discursive Intellect”

May 16: Sören Stenlund (University of Uppsala)
“Wittgenstein and Symbolic Mathematics”

May 17: Sören Stenlund (University of Uppsala)
Seminar: “The Origin of Symbolic Mathematics and the End of the Science of Quantity” – Location and time TBA

May 23: Rafeeq Hasan (University of Chicago)
“The Form and Matter of Choice: Kant on Poverty and External Freedom”

June 6: Ariel Zylberman (University of Toronto)
“The Public Form of Law: The Second-Personal Constitution of Freedom”




10/5  Thomas Khurana, Frankfurt: “You can because you ought to”: Kant on the Relation of Ought and Can

10/12 Sally Sedgwick, UIC: Freedom and Necessity in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and Philosophy of History

10/19 Sam Levey, Dartmouth: Unity, Borrowed Reality, and Multitude in Leibniz

11/2 Tucker McKinney, UofC: Formulating Heideggerian Ontological Pluralism

11/16 Ian Blecher, Pitt: “Kant’s Principles of Modality”

11/29 Francey Russell, UofC: “Bringing the good into view”



1/18 Sandra Lapointe, McMasterBolzano, Quine and Logical Truth 

1/25 Andy Werner, UofC: Immediacy in Hegel’s Science of Logic

2/8 Clinton Tolley, UCSD: Kant, Bolzano, Frege, and the universalist conception of logic

2/22 Rachel Zuckert, Northwestern: Kant’s Hidden Antinomy

3/8 Sheela Kumar, UofC: Kant’s Philosophy of Right


4/5 Daniel Smyth, UofC

4/11-12 Mary Domski, UNM: (Two joint meetings with EMP Workshop – note special times and places): Kant and Newton on the a priori necessity of geometry

4/19 Steven Galt Crowell, Rice University

5/10 Tom Evnen, UofC

5/17 Anja Jauernig, Pitt: (Joint meeting, EMP Workshop)

5/31 Marko Malink , UofC: (Joint meeting, Wittgenstein Workshop)




September 30

Adrian Haddock (University of Stirling)

“Self-Conscious Perceptual Knowledge”


October 13 *special Thursday meeting* Wieboldt 408, 4:30pm

Sebastian Rödl (Universität Basel)

“Testimony and Generality”


October 14 (joint meeting with Wittgenstein Workshop)

Sebastian Rödl (Universität Basel)

“Joint Action and Plural Self-Consciousness”


October 21

Hans Fink (Universität Aarhus)

“Hard, Soft, and Absolute Naturalism”


November 10 *special Thursday meeting: 4:30pm, Wieboldt 408*

Clark Remington (University of Chicago)

“Heidegger meets Rödl: Originary Temporality as a System of Forms of Predicative Unity”

December 2

Rafeeq Hasan (University of Chicago)

“Politics, Property, and Personhood: Kant’s Rousseauian Return”


December 9

Taylor Carman (Barnard College)

“Heidegger on the Meaning and Value of Truth”



January 13

Daniel Sutherland (UIC)

“Kant on Cardinality without Fregean Equinumerosity”


January 27

Nate Zuckerman (University of Chicago)

“Heidegger’s Notion of Originary Temporality”


February 6 *Monday Mock Job Talk Meeting* Wieboldt 408, 10:30am

Thomas Land (Cambridge University)

“Judgment and Construction: Kant’s Conception of the Understanding”


February 9 *special Thursday meeting* Wieboldt 408, 4:30pm

Daniel Smyth (University of Chicago)

“Infinity and Givenness: The Intuitive Roots of Spatial Representation”


February 17 (joint meeting with Wittgenstein Workshop)

Matt Boyle (Harvard University)

“Transparent Self-Knowledge”


February 24

Alptekin Sanli (University of Chicago)

“The Concept of Right and Objectivity: Some Preliminary Considerations”


March 9

Jose Torralba (Universidad de Navarra)

“The Individuality and Sociality of Action: the Kingdom of Ends as a Relational Theory of Action”


March 16

Tucker McKinney (University of Chicago)

“Self-Interpretation and the Tragedy of Meaning in Being and Time



April 6

Ulrich Schlösser (University of Toronto)

“Concept Formation, Synthesis, and Judgment”


April 20

Thomas Land (University of Cambridge)

“The Nonconceptualist Reading of Kant and the Transcendental Deduction”


May 4

Johannes Haag (Universität Potsdam)
“The First Act of Self-Knowledge Traced in its Pure Consequence: Fichte on Kant’s Categories”


May 18

Emily Hartz (Southern University of Denmark)

“Subjective Freedom in the Medieval Ages? – Hegel’s Response”




Oct 1

Robert Pippin

“Reason’s Form: Kant on Practical Reason”


Oct 15

Daniel Sutherland  (University of Illinois, Chicago)

“Kant on Ordinals and Cardinals”


Oct 29

Thomas Khurana  (Universität Frankfurt)

“‘Life’ and ‘Autonomy’ – On Two Forms of Self-Grounding Order”


Nov 12

Justin Shaddock (University of Chicago)

“Kant’s Transcendental Method”


Nov 19

Pirmin Stekeler (Universität Leipzig)

“Classified Generic Inference and Modality”

(Joint Meeting With Wittgenstein Workshop)



Jan 7

Thomas Land (University of Chicago)

“Kant on Productive Imagination”


Jan 21

Nate Zuckerman (University of Chicago)

“Existence and Ability: The Aristotelian Insights behind Heidegger’s Conception of Dasein”


Feb 11

Jennifer Lockhart (University of Chicago)

“A Jewel that Shines by its Own Light:  Kierkegaard on Inwardness and Subjective Willing


Feb 18

Johannes Haag (Universität Potsdam)

“The Role of Imagination in Kant’s Theory of Reflective Judgment”



Apr 1

Robert Pippin (University of Chicago)

“After the Beautiful: Hegel and the Philosophy of Visual Modernism”


CONFERENCE: Apr. 2-3 The Philosophy of Anselm Müller


Apr 14 (Thursday Meeting)

John McDowell  (University of Pittsburgh)

“Autonomy and Community: some remarks on the second movement of Brandom’s sonata”

(Joint Meeting with Wittgenstein Workshop)


CONFERENCE: Apr 15-17 Kant & Aristotle on Form and Matter


Apr 29

Matthias Haase (Universität Basel)

“The Laws of Thought and the Power of Thinking”


May 6

Arata Hamawaki (Auburn University)

“Kant, Wittgenstein and the Problem of Knowledge”

(Joint Meeting with Wittgenstein Workshop)


May 13

Sheela Kumar (University of Chicago)

“Kant’s Philosophy of Right”


May 27

Erica Holberg (University of Chicago)

“Against a Two-Stage Reading of Kant’s Conception of Pleasure in the Beautiful”


CONFERENCE: June 2-4 Wittgenstein on the Literary, the Ethical, and the Unsayable