Spring Schedule

Kiss of the Earth/ Nicholas Roerich 1912


After a long and cold winter, welcome to our Spring quarter! As is our custom, we begin with a big social and intellectual event, this time co-hosted with Northwestern Jewish studies students, and after Passover we are hosting Yale’s Eliyahu Stern and other exciting workshop speakers from Chicago.

April 6: “Ways of Knowing,” a joint Jewish studies event at Northwestern Evanston campus. 3:00-7:00pm. For more details email Michal at michalpa@uchicago.edu

April 29: “The Secularization of the Kabbalah and the Origins of Jewish Socialism.” Eliyahu Stern (Professor, Religious Studies, Yale). 4:30-6:00pm. Location – TBA.

May 13: “Formative Exegesis: Herxheimer’s Hermeneutics and the Project of Bildung.” Alexandra Zirkle (PhD Candidate, University of Chicago Divinity School). 4:30-6:00pm. Swift 406.

May 27: “Democracy and Theocracy in Jewish Political Thought: From Baruch Spinoza to Michael Walzer.”Julie Cooper (University of Chicago). 6pm.

June 10: “A Transnational Approach to the Experiences and Identities of Latin American Jews in the United States: Chicago as a Case Study.” Yael Siman (Visiting Scholar, University of Chicago). 4:30-6:00 pm. Swift 406. – this event is temporarily cancelled.