Shabbat Afternoon/ Moritz Daniel Oppenheim 1866
Alexandra Zirkle, PhD Candidate at the University of Chicago’s Divinity School, will present a chapter from her dissertation which examines 19th century German-Jewish exegetical approaches to the temple and sacrifice as reflecting how German Jews negotiated their understanding of the tenets of Jewish thought and practice in light of their commitments as 19th century Germans. The chapter, entitled “Formative Exegesis: Herxheimer’s Hermeneutics and the Project of Bildung,” discusses the intellectual project of Rabbi Dr. Salomon Herxheimer, one of the most influential German rabbis in the 19th century.
Adam Yale Stern, visiting PhD candidate from Harvard, will respond. Please download the paper here.
Swift 406. 4:30-6:00pm. Tea, Coffee, and more.