Tuesday, January 14 (Week 2): Ido Telem (PhD Student, Comparative Literature, University of Chicago): “The Ironic Mode in Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem.” With a response by Mendel Kranz (PhD Student, Philosophy of Religions, University of Chicago Divinity School).
Tuesday, January 28 (Week 4): Tahel Goldsmith (PhD Student, Modern European History, University of Chicago): “Normalcy in the Face of Violence: SS Perpetrators’ Homes.” With a response by Anna Band (PhD Candidate, Modern Jewish History, University of Chicago).
Tuesday, February 11 (Week 6): Erin Faigin (PhD Candidate and Weil Distinguished Graduate Fellow, History, University of Wisconsin-Madison): “‘There are no cultural islands like Ceshinsky’s’: The Yiddish Public Sphere in Mid-century Chicago.” With a response by Jessica Kirzane (Assistant Instructional Professor, Germanic Studies, University of Chicago).
Tuesday, February 25 (Week 8): Michal Peles-Almagor (PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature, University of Chicago): “A Jewish Montage: Berlin, Agnon, and the Hebrew-German Dialogue.” With a response by Samuel Catlin (PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature, University of Chicago and Religion, Literature & Visual Culture, University of Chicago Divinity School).
Tuesday, March 10 (Week 10): Kirsten Collins (PhD Student, Religion, Literature & Visual Culture, University of Chicago Divinity School): “Examining the W(h)it(e)ness: The Jew and the Law in Maurice Blanchot’s Critique of Sovereignty.” With a response by Paul Cato (PhD Candidate, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago).
We hope to see you at the Jewish Studies Workshop this quarter!
Samuel Catlin and Mendel Kranz, workshop coordinators