Meetings will be held from 5:00 – 6:30 pm CST on Mondays in Swift Hall 200, unless indicated otherwise. Due to Jewish holidays throughout the first half of the quarter, our meetings are not being held on the typical biweekly schedule.
Advanced copies of papers (and Zoom links, where applicable) will be pre-circulated via the Jewish Studies Workshop listserv and made available on our website here. If you would like to be added to our listserv, you can do so here, or email us at or
Jewish Studies Workshop Schedule – Fall 2022
October 3
Secularization vs. Religious Pluralism: Re-evaluating Jewish and Non-Jewish Responses to the Jewish Naturalization Act of 1753
Julia Pohlmann (PhD Student, History, University of Aberdeen)
5 pm-6:30 pm CST via Zoom
Co-Sponsored by the Early Modern and Mediterranean Worlds Workshop
October 24
Figuring Jerusalem Discussion
Join workshop members for a discussion of Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi’s work Figuring Jerusalem 5pm-5:45 pm CST
After this discussion, the workshop will walk to the Seminary Co-op for an event featuring Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi in conversation with Na’ama Rokem. More information about the event here.
November 28
Seeing the Face of your Dying Enemy: A Levinasian Reading of the Petichta of Masechet Semachot
Ranana Dine (PhD Student, Religious Ethics, Divinity School, University of Chicago)
December 5
Empire’s Heterotopia: The Ligue des Droits de l’Homme’s Discourse and Action in Cases of Antisemitism in the Metropole and Colonial Algeria
Kyra Schulman (PhD Student, History, University of Chicago)