Monday, 3/1/2021: Samuel Catlin on Geoffrey Hartman and the Question of Secular Criticism

Please join the Jewish Studies Workshop for a presentation by:

Samuel Catlin (PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature and the Divinity School, University of Chicago)

“No Sin to Limp: Geoffrey Hartman and the Question of Secular Criticism”

With a response by:
Kirsten Collins (PhD Student, Divinity School, University of Chicago)
Monday March 1, 2021 at 5:30 PM Central (via Zoom)
Sam’s paper, to be read in advance of the session, is available for download below. The password to the document will be emailed to the Jewish Studies Workshop email listserv. If you would like to be added to this listserv, please click the “Subscribe” tab above.

To join the Zoom meeting, click here

(Meeting ID: 966 8630 6383 / Password: Hartman )

Pre-circulated Paper: JSW_Catlin_3-1-2021

Monday, 2/15/2021: David Barak-Gorodetsky on Judah Magnes

Please join the Jewish Studies Workshop for a presentation by:

David Barak-Gorodetsky (Visiting Fellow, Divinity School, University of Chicago)

“Judah Magnes: The Prophetic Politics of a Religious Binationalist”

With a response by:
Yiftach Ofek (PhD Candidate, Divinity School, University of Chicago)
Monday February 15, 2021 at 5:30 PM Central (via Zoom)

David’s paper, to be read in advance of the session, is available for download below. The password to the document will be emailed to the Jewish Studies Workshop email listserv. If you would like to be added to this listserv, please click the “Subscribe” tab above.

To join the Zoom meeting, click here

(Meeting ID:  994 1317 6706 / Password: Magnes )

Pre-circulated Paper: Barak-Gorodetsky – Judah Magnes-chapter 9

Monday, 2/1/2021: Matthew Johnson on Glikl’s Circulation

Please join us for a meeting of the Jewish Studies Workshop, with a presentation by:

Matthew Johnson (PhD Candidate, Germanic Studies, University of Chicago)

“Glikl’s Circulation: Philology, Translation, and Value”

With a response by:
Tali Winkler (PhD Candidate, History, University of Chicago)

Monday February 1, 2021 at 2:00 PM Central (via Zoom)

Matthew’s paper, to be read in advance of the session, is available for download below. The password to the document will be emailed to the Jewish Studies Workshop email listserv. If you would like to be added to this listserv, please click the “Subscribe” tab above.

To join the Zoom meeting, click here

(Meeting ID: 943 9606 6467 / Password: Glikl )

Pre-circulated Paper: Johnson_Glikl_JSW

Monday, 11/30/2020: Adi Shiran on Maimonides’ Interpretation to the Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart

Please join us for a joint meeting of the Jewish Studies Workshop and the Islamic Studies Workshop, with a presentation by:

Adi Shiran (PhD Candidate, Divinity School, University of Chicago)


“Not All Minds Are Meant To Be Free: The Textual History of Maimonides’ Interpretation to the Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart”

With a response by:
Dr. James Robinson (Professor, Divinity School, University of Chicago)

Monday, November 30, 2020 at 5:30 PM Central (via Zoom)

To join the Zoom meeting, click here

(Meeting ID:  920 1814 3708 / Password: hardheart)

*no paper to be read in advance of the workshop*

Monday, 11/16/2020: Mendel Kranz on Jaques Hassoun and the Politics of the Arab-Jew in Postcolonial France

Please join the Jewish Studies Workshop for a presentation by:

Mendel Kranz (PhD Candidate, Divinity School, University of Chicago)


“Jacques Hassoun and the Politics of the Arab-Jew in Postcolonial France”

With a response by:
Stephanie Kraver (PhD Candidate, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago)

Monday, November 16, 2020 at 5:30 PM Central (via Zoom)

Mendel’s paper, to be read in advance of the session, is available for download below. The password to the document will be emailed to the Jewish Studies Workshop email listserv. If you would like to be added to this listserv, please click the “Subscribe” tab above..

To join the Zoom meeting, click here

(Meeting ID: 998 5631 3068  / Password: hassoun)

Pre-circulated Paper: kranz_JS_workshop

Monday, 10/19/2020: Yiftach Ofek on Gershom Scholem and the Jew as Anti-Bourgeois

Please join the Jewish Studies Workshop for our first event of the 2020-21 academic year, a presentation by:

Yiftach Ofek (PhD Candidate, Divinity School, University of Chicago)

“Gershom Scholem: The Jew as Anti-Bourgeois”

With a response by:

Matthew Johnson (PhD Candidate, Germanic Studies, University of Chicago)

Monday, October 19, 2020 at 5:30 PM Central (via Zoom)

Yiftach’s in-progress dissertation chapter, to be read in advance of the workshop, is available below. The password to the document will be emailed to the Jewish Studies Workshop email listserv. If you would like to be added to this listserv, please click the “Subscribe” tab above.

To join the Zoom meeting, click here.

(Meeting ID: 915 0389 6725  / Password: Scholem)

Pre-circulated Paper: Ofek_Yiftach_Scholem