QMSA Elective Methods Courses


Elective Quantitative Methods Courses for the MAPSS QMSA Concentration


(Note: This list needs to be updated quarterly.)

BUSN 36906     Stochastic Processes
BUSN 37103     Data Driven Marketing
BUSN 37105     Data Science for Marketing Decision Making
BUSN 37107     Experimental Market
BUSN 37906     Applied Bayesian Econometrics
BUSN 37907     Behavioral Science Research Methods in Marketing
BUSN 40206     Healthcare Business Analytics
BUSN 40721     Healthcare Analytics Lab
BUSN 41100     Applied Regression Analysis
BUSN 41201     Big Data
BUSN 41203     Financial Econometrics
BUSN 41204     Machine Learning
BUSN 41305     Statistical Insight into Entrepreneurial Quantitative Consulting with Wide Business Applications
BUSN 41600/ECPN 51400    Econometrics and Statistics Colloquium
BUSN 41903/STAT 32400    Applied Econometrics
BUSN 41910/STAT 33500    Time Series Analysis for Forecasting and Model Building
BUSN 41916     Bayes, AI and Deep Learning
BUSN 41917     Causal Machine Learning

CCTS 40500/CCTS 20500/BIOS 29208   Machine Learning & Advanced Data Analytics in Science

CHDV 30102/MACS 50100/PBHS 43201/SOCI 30315/STAT 31900 Introduction to Causal Inference

ECMA 31000     Introduction to Empirical Analysis
ECMA 31100     Introduction to Empirical Analysis II
ECMA 31350     Machine Learning for Economists
ECMA 31360     Causal Inference

ECON 31000     Empirical Analysis I
ECON 31100     Empirical Analysis II
ECON 31200     Empirical Analysis III
ECON 31720  Applied Microeconometrics
ECON 31740/PPHA 48403 Optimization-Conscious Econometrics
ECON 33550 Spatial Economics
ECON 35550/PPHA 35561/ECMA 35550 The Practicalities of Running Randomized Control Trials

MACS 33002     Introduction to Machine Learning
MACS 40101/SOCI 40248     Social Network Analysis
MACS 60000/SOCI 40133/CHDV 30510 Computational Content Analysis

MAPS 30289     Intermediate Regression and Data Science
MAPS 31755     Longitudinal Research

PBHS 30910/ STAT 22810/ENST 27400/ HLTH 20910/PPHA 36410 Epidemiology and Population Health
PBHS 31001/STAT 35700     Epidemiologic Methods
PBHS 32410/STAT 22401     Regression Analysis for Health and Social Research
PBHS 32700/STAT 22700     Biostatistical Methods
PBHS 32901/STAT 35201     Introduction to Clinical Trials
PBHS 33300/STAT 36900     Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis
PBHS 33400/CHDV 32401    Multilevel Modeling
PBHS 33500/STAT 35800/CHDV 32702 Statistical Applications
PBHS 34500      Machine Learning
PBHS 40500      Advanced Epidemiologic Methods
PBHS 43010/STAT 35920  Applied Bayesian Modeling and Inference

PLSC 30600       Causal Inference
PLSC 40502       Data Analysis with Statistical Models
PLSC 40601       Advanced Topics in Causal Inference
PLSC 57200/SOCI 50096 Network Analysis

PPHA 30545/30546  Machine Learning
PPHA 31102      Statistical Data Analysis II
PPHA 31202      Advanced Statistics for Data Analysis I
PPHA 31302      Advanced Statistics for Data Analysis II
PPHA 34600      Program Evaluation
PPHA 41300      Cost Benefit Analysis
PPHA 41600      Survey Research Methodology
PPHA 41800/PSYC 47500  Survey Questionnaire Design
PPHA 42000      Applied Econometrics I
PPHA 42100      Applied Econometrics II
PPHA 42200      Applied Econometrics III
PPHA 44900      Methods of Data Collection: Social Experiments, Quasi-Experiments And Surveys

PSYC 37900      Experimental Design and Statistical Modeling II

SOCI 30005       Statistical Methods of Research 2
SOCI 30112       Applications of Hierarchical Linear Models
SOCI 30253/MACS 54000  Introduction to Spatial Data Science
SOCI 40103       Event History Analysis
SOCI 40258       Causal Mediation Analysis
SOCI 50132       Seminar: Causal Inference in Studies of Educational Interventions

SOSC 36008/CHDV 36008/EDSO 36008/PSYC 28926  Principles and Methods of Measurement

STAT 22200      Linear Models and Experimental Design
STAT 22400/PBHS 32400     Applied Regression Analysis
STAT 22600/PBHS 32600     Analysis of Categorical Data
STAT 24300/30750    Numerical Linear Algebra
STAT 24620/32950    Multivariate Statistical Analysis: Applications and Techniques
STAT 25300/31700    Introduction to Probability Models
STAT 27410      Introduction to Bayesian Data analysis
STAT 27850/30850  Multiple Testing, Modern Inference, and Replicability
STAT 27855      Hypothesis Testing with Empirical Bayes Methodology
STAT 30100      Mathematical Statistics-1
STAT 30200      Mathematical Statistics-2
STAT 30400      Distribution Theory
STAT 30810      High Dimensional Time Series Analysis
STAT 31150/CAAM 31150  Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation
STAT 31200      Introduction to Stochastic Processes I
STAT 31511      Monte Carlo Simulation
STAT 33100      Sample Surveys
STAT 33910/FINM 33170     Financial Statistics: Time Series, Forecasting, Mean Reversion, and High Frequency Data
STAT 34700      Generalized Linear Models
STAT 34800      Modern Methods in Applied Statistics
STAT 35460/HGEN 48800  Fundamentals of Computational Biology: Algorithms and Applications

STAT 37711      Machine Learning 1