MONDAY, May 24th, Kashaf Qureshi and Andres Irigoyen Joint Session

Please join the Renaissance Workshop

MONDAY, May 24th, when

Kashaf Qureshi

PhD Student

University of Chicago

presents the paper:

“Praying in Curses: The Poetics of Imprecation in Mary Sidney’s Psalms”


Andres Irigoyen

PhD Student

University of Chicago

presents the paper:

“Messy Agencies: Productive Idleness and New Materialism in Early Modern Academic Drama”

MONDAY, May 24th


*note the adjusted time for the spring quarter



Password: 212965

The papers, to be read in advance, have been distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and are available on our website with the password “joint”.

If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here.  We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and/or concerns should be directed to Ryan Campagna ( or Sarah-Gray Lesley (

Image: Anonymous. “Interior of a London Coffee-House,” c.1690