Student Employment


As part of its mission to train students in high-quality social science methods, the Survey Lab regularly employs University of Chicago graduate and undergraduate students. Employees get first-hand experience on active social science research projects and learn more about the practical decisions involved in carrying out thoughful investigations. We hire year-round for projects across a broad range of topic areas. Our studies employ diverse methodologies, from phone and in-person interviewing to field observation.

Job Opportunities

The Survey Lab hires employees on a temporary, part-time basis to meet the needs of specific projects. If an active job listing interests you, feel free to inquire. All hiring-related inquiries should be directed to

Though each study requires something different, we are looking more generally for students with strong verbal, social and writing skills, as well as analytic and statistical backgrounds, to staff our research projects. We employ primarily graduate students but hire some undergraduates as well.

In addition to in-house research positions, our staff members also regularly receive information about career opportunities in social sciences research from a range of academic, nonprofit, for-profit and government institutions.


The University of Chicago Survey Lab hires interviewers and operations assistants on an as-needed basis. Students in these roles help manage daily operations in our data collection center. Duties include supervising call shop operations, conducting survey interviews by phone and in person, helping assemble and distribute mail-outs, data entry, data cleaning, piloting questionnaires, training research assistants, and handling the miscellaneous tasks that arise during the course of business.