
Unsettled Ground is curated by Katerina Korola (PhD’21) with Berit Ness, Associate Curator for Academic Engagement, and student curators Sindy Chen (MAPH’22), Vicky Chen (AB’23), Sabrina Cunningham (AB’22), Isabella Diefendorf (AB’24), Teagan Harris (MAPH’22), Ellis LeBlanc (MAPH’22), Meichen Liu (MAPH’22), Felix Ramin (AB’23), Teddy Sandler (AB’23), Jack Schneider (MAPH’22), Wenshu Wang (MAPH’22), Xuanlin Ye (MAPH’22), Datura Zhou (MAPH’22), Octavia Zhou (AB’23).

The curators would like to express their gratitude to Christine Mehring and Issa Lampe for supporting the project, as well as Carl Fuldner, Andrew Yang, Giovanni Aloi, and Dan Peterman for taking the time to meet and speak with the student curators during class visits to the Art Institute of Chicago, SAIC Galleries, and the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, and Nancy Spiegel and Bridget Madden for assisting the students in their research. Additional thanks to Gail Gomez, Ray Klemchuk, Derek Ernster, Teddy Smith, Claire Ritchie, Steve Lieto, Jenna Post, Emily Edwards, C.J. Lind, Sara Hindmarch and Stephanie Smith from the Smart Museum of Art for their invaluable assistance from the development phase through installation.

Support for this exhibition has been provided by the Feitler Center for Academic Inquiry Fund and the Museum’s SmartPartners.