The Visual and Material Perspectives on East Asia (VMPEA) workshop is pleased to announce the Fall 2022 schedule. All the in-person events will meet on selected Wednesdays from 4:45 to 6:45 pm CT at CWAC (Cochrane-Woods Art Center) 152 unless otherwise noted. For the online events or those who would like to join us remotely for the in-person events, we will send out the registration link prior to these events. You are welcome to consult the VMPEA website for further information about these events, and please subscribe to our listserv here to receive event notifications.


Fall 2022 Schedule

October 26 

Nancy P. Lin, Klarman Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University

“Chance Encounters: Song Dong’s Wildlife (1997-1998), a Multi-sited Art Activity”

Discussant: Ellen Larson, CAEA Postdoctoral Instructor of Art History, UChicago

November 3

Ellen Larson, CAEA Postdoctoral Instructor of Art History, UChicago

“‘Blast Off!’ Picturing Utopian Nostalgia in Su Yu Hsin’s Blast Furnace No. II”

[Note the special date and time of this event. We will meet from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at CWAC 152]

November 9

Danni Huang, MAPH Student, UChicago

“An Investigation of The Guanyin Pavilion and The Eleven-Headed Guanyin Statue at Dule Monastery: Architectural Styles and Buddhist Sculptures in North China from the Seventh to the Tenth Century”

Discussant: Wei-cheng Lin, Associate Professor, Department of Art History and the College, UChicago

November 18

Anthony Stott, PhD Candidate, East Asian Languages and Civilizations and Comparative Literature, UChicago

“Context after the End of Monumental Public Space: Toward an Archipelagic Reimagining of Urban Resistance in the Theory and Design of Isozaki Arata”

Discussant: Zhiyan Yang, PhD Candidate, Art History, UChicago

[This is an online event co-hosted with the APEA workshop, and will meet from 6:00 to 8:00 pm]

Please feel free to contact Lucien (lesun@uchicago.edu) and Li (jiangli@uchicago.edu) with any questions you might have, and we look forward to seeing you soon!


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