Yeon Ju Lee, Wednesday May 29

Please come to our last session of this academic year (although, next week we will have an End of Year Reunion). Tomorrow, May 29, our very own Yeon Ju Lee will present a preliminary version her dissertation proposal. Please plan to attend to give her useful comments and suggestions! The title of her presentation is “Observed Inequality vs. Perceived Inequality”. The discussant will be Junyan Jiang.

I sent copies of the paper to our mailing lists earlier today.

Margit Tavits and Natalia Letki, Wednesday May 22

Please join us on May 22 to welcome Margit Tavits, our last non-UChicago guest this academic year (professor Tavits teaches at Washington University in St. Louis). She will be presenting a co-authored paper about party competition in Post-Communist Europe. The paper’s title is “From Values to Interests? The Evolution of Party Competition in New Democracies”. Our discussant will be Chris Graham Price.

I’ll send a copy of the paper to our mailing lists later today.