Hello everyone!
Hope you are all having a good first week of winter quarter. We will have our first meeting next Thursday, Jan 21 at 3:30 PM CST. We will be discussing Jessa Dahl’s dissertation chapter entitled, “Kuwa Tsu Sui (whatever that may mean)”: Kwassui Jo Gakkō Mission School and the Education of Japanese Women in the Foreign Settlement”. Jessa Dahl is a PhD Candidate in History.
We look forward to seeing you there!
The rest of the quarter lineup is as follows, though we are still waiting to hear back from one invitee. Please note the deviations from our regular meeting time.
February 18 @ 7PM CST
Ruohan Zhou
Establishing the National Wuhan University
February 25 @ 4PM CST
Sandra Park, Eilin Rafael Pérez, and Zoya Sameen, PhD Candidates in History
Transnational Asia & the Global South: A Syllabus Workshop
March 12 @ 1:30PM CST
Andrew Liu, Assistant Professor of History at Villanova University
Niuniu and Stephanie