Thursday, Oct. 6 | Hae Uk Ko
Master’s Candidate, The University of Chicago
“Looking at Mirror Images: The Korean Plight to Find its Place in a New World”
Discussant: Graeme Reynolds, Instructor in History, The University of Chicago
(John Hope Franklin Room, 4:00 – 5:30 pm CT)
*Co-hosted event with the Arts and Politics of East Asia Workshop
Thursday, Oct. 20 | Wang You
Harper-Schmidt Fellow, The University of Chicago
“Women Till and Women Weave: Rice, Cotton, and the Gender Division of Labor in Qing Jiangnan”
Discussant: Xavier Ante, PhD Candidate, The University of Chicago
(on ZOOM)
Tuesday, Nov. 8 | Aynne Kokas
Associate Professor, The University of Virginia
“Trafficking Data: How China is Winning the Battle for Digital Sovereignty”
Discussant: Zhao Fang, PhD Student, The University of Chicago & Yukun Zeng, PhD Candidate, The University of Chicago
(CEAS Room 319, 12:00 – 1:30 pm CT)
*Co-hosted event with Pozen Family Center for Human Rights & Center for East Asian Studies
Thursday, Nov. 10 | TBA
Thursday, Dec. 1 | Zeng Yukun
PhD Candidate in Anthropology, The University of Chicago
“Unimagined Community: A Cross-Strait Anthropological History of Reading Classics in Contemporary Chinese Societies”
Discussant: TBA
(JHF room, 4:00 – 5:30 pm CT)